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Winter picked me up, carrying me into the building, and placing me down on the cold ground once we reached the chair.

Panic set in once i had fully realised what i had just done. I had just willingly given myself back to Hydra. The people i swore i would never go back to. The ones who killed the only family i ever knew.

I thought back to Nova-Lee and Torstein. I would always call Torstein 'Tori' and he hated it. He would throw a strop every single time. I'd laugh and tell him that's what we're going to write on his grave. I didn't expect his grave to become real while i was still alive.

I thought to Ma and Dad. They were obsessed with the Norse Gods, hence the name Torstein. They said, 'if you shorten it, it becomes 'Tor' which does sound a lot like 'Thor', the God of Thunder.' I would always laugh and tell them there was no such thing.

They wouldn't have wanted this for me.

But as hard as it all is, i still have him. We may not be what we were all those years ago, but he's still here. And that's enough.


"Yes лето?"

"You're not going to leave me are you?" i beleived i was speaking to him and only him. I was wrong.

"No." Winter replied gruffly, turning his head to face the company i didn't know we had.

"He is going to stay right with you. And when he isn't," A voice sounded from the doorway behind us, revealing Rumlow and a very muscular Agent.

"Igor here will." he finished. I looked up at Winter who only straightened, looking back at Rumlow, no expression present.

"Igor can you take Summer to her old cell? Winter has a mission."

"You can't do that! You're wearing him out!"

"I will do what i want with my soldier." Igor started towards me and i backed up. Winter turned around and grabbed my arms gently, reassuring me silently. He leaned into my embrace, talking into my ear lowly.

"If he does anything, i will kill him."

I stepped back, and looked at Igor.

The man stepped towards me, grabbing me by the arm and roughly pulling me away from Winter. I took one last look at Winter as he was being briefed on his next mission before walking back towards the cell i never wanted to go back to.

We reached the cell and Igor quickly unlocked it, before tossing me inside. I fell to my knees as i was thrown like a rag doll, sinking further down onto the floor, now allowing the tears to fall.


I awoke from the sleep i never knew i had fallen into to loud footsteps, and harsh breathing. It wasn't as loud as it used to be, so i could hear everything.

I quickly stood, expecting Rumlow, only to see Winter running a hand through his hair.

"Open the door." he demanded Igor.

"Yes sir." Igor opened the door, shutting it behind the long-haired assassin, who immediately went to the corner we used to curl up in.

"Hey hey hey, what's wrong?" i asked him, standing abruptly at his arrival. He flinched at my sudden movement. "It's okay."

"I might hurt you." He whispered, voice cracking.

"No, you wouldn't." i spoke firmly, sitting down next to him, leaning my head on him. He winced, but allowed me to lay my head in his lap, looking down at me.

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