f i f t e e n

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I awoke with the feeling of power surging through my veins. They were all here. All of their powers were coursing through me.

Steve's strength, Thor's lightning and strength. However it was further than the others. Wanda's mental manipulation and telekinesis, Pietro's speed, and pure rage, courtesy of Hulk.

I walked out of the blue room, admiring the sight before my eyes.

The walls were painted an aqua-like shade of blue and the lamp shade cast shadows onto them. There were ceiling-to-floor windows standing maybe, 40 floors up. The bed i had been laying in mere moments ago was a king size with sheets of the same shade of blue as the walls. The room was beautiful. I was in awe at the sight. That was until i heard Wanda in my head.

"Need you, 48th floor, there's about to be a fight and I'm not going to be any help."

"On my way Red."


"I'm gonna say this once." Steve demanded, standing ahead of the rest of us. Wanda was holding onto Pietro's arm and i was standing beside Steve, but a few steps back.

"How about 'nunce' huh?" Tony retorted. I looked at him with a scowl.

"Shut it down!" Steve shouted. Pietro and Wanda stepped forwards.

"Nope, not gonna happen." Tony walked back over to his computer screen.

"What is going on?" I spoke monotonously, walking to stand directly next to Steve, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as i did.

"He's trying to finish what Ultron started." Steve pointed at the cradle, and it clicked.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" i exclaimed, stepping forwards.

"You don't know what you're doing." Steve continued.

"And you do? She's not in your head." Bruce spoke. Wanda stepped out from behind Steve to stand beside me.

"I know you're angry-." She was cut off.

"Oh no, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." He spoke rather calmly. I instinctively stood straighter at the threat and sent Bruce a threatening look.

"Banner, after everything that's happened-." Steve started.

"Nothing compared to what's coming." Tony cut him off.

"You don't know what's in there!" I yelled throwing an arm out in his direction.

"This isn't a game Stark!" Steve yelled. Me and Pietro looked at each other and he zoomed off to unplug every piece of equipment needed to operate the cradle, deeming it useless. Everyone stopped shouting and became silent.

Pietro came to a hault, dropping my hand and holding up a steaming plug, throwing it towards Bruce.

"No, no, go on. You were saying?" A loud gunshot could be heard and i slowed everything down with Pietro's speed, and he did the same. I watched the bullet come through the glass panel he was standing on.

"Pietro!" I ran towards him in time to fall with him. I got up, fighting stance, all ready to go and i turn around to see Clint. He had his foot on Piet's chest and said a few familiar words.

"What? You didn't see that coming?"

"Man, he used your line against you." I smiled at him in amusement.

And then thunder clapped all around us, a red-skinned man flying above the hole we fell through. Clint seemed startled and ran out, heading up the stairs. I used my purple haze to lift myself off the floor and through the hole in the glass to investigate.

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