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I waddled down the stairs, literally tripping over the obnoxiously high high-heels Nat had lent to me, and nearly plummeting to my death. I caught myself before i tumbled, deciding that the hand rail was my best friend, holding it with a deadly grip until i reached Steve who had met me at the bottom of the stairs.

"Okay, no." i scoffed, taking off the heels and throwing them off behind the bar, catching Sam holding his phone up.

"You did not."

"Oh, baby you bet i did!" Sam laughed, watching the video back and nudging Steve when i tripped.

"It's not that funny." i scowled at Sam as he struggled to contain his laughter,

Sam tucked his phone away after a few reruns of the video to put on his 'serious face', and Steve started talking about the last mission.

"Sounds like one hell of a fight, sorry i missed it." Sam smiled.

"If i had known it was gonna be a fire fight i absolutely would've called." Steve said in his Captain voice, walking back up the stairs i had just stumbled down.

"No, no i'm not actually sorry, i'm just tryna sound tough. Very happy chasing cold leads on our missing persons case. Avenging is your world. Your world is crazy. Both of you."

"You're looking for him?" i asked in a hushed voice, eyes almost pleading as i looked into Steve's eyes.

Sam nodded. i grabbed his hand and squeezed it in thanks.

"Yet ever so humble." Steve smiled widely.

"You find a place in Brooklyn yet?"

"I don't think i can afford a place in Brooklyn."

"Well home is home you know?" Sam shrugged.

Steve looked out longingly over the small railing overlooking the lounge and bar.

"Oh, would you look at that. Thor has the good stuff. Bye." i left before Sam could ask any questions, and found Steve trailing behind me. Sam ended up going home to see his sister, Sarah so left early.


"I've gotta have some of that." A veteran sat on the couch, pointing at the small bottle of Asgardian alcohol.

"Yea, i'll take some." i nodded towards the small bottle he held hostage.

"Oh no no no, see this- this was aged for a thousand years, in barrels built from the wreck of Brunnehilde's fleet." He poured a glass for Steve and himself before continuing.

"It is not meant for mortal men." He shakes his head.

"Neither was Omaha beach blondie, stop trying to scare us. Come on." The veteran motioned for the bottle.

"I wield the same power as you do." i shrug.

"Well, not quite." he tried, but i didn't break eye contact.

"Do you want me to prove it?" i asked him. He poured another two glasses, handing one to the veteran and one to me.

"Thanks." i grinned, raising my eyebrows.

"For future reference, this is why i disagreed with her drinking it." Thor smiled pointing at me with one hand, other hand flat in the air like he was surrendering. I took a sip, almost gagging with the potency of the alcohol.

"That's disgusting." i scoffed, tipping my head back to pour it down my throat in one smooth gulp.

"Told you." Thor shook his head as Steve stole the empty glass from my hand. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to Bruce, who was flirting with Helen Cho on a couch.

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