n i n e

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A/N- the dress is the dress mentioned at the end of the chapter. Enjoy!

For the next few months, i continued to train with Wanda and Pietro.

The twins brought me up to date about their life, and what Tony Stark did to them, and i was not standing for it.

"As soon as i get the chance, i will kill him." I had told them.

As much as i felt i had just lost a family, i knew i had just gained one.


Gunshots and the occasional roar was all that could be heard through the rushing around of 'our' men.

"Pietro?" I said in a worried tone.

"On it." He zoomed outside to check on the noise blasting in our ears. After a few seconds, he was back at my side, eyes wide with anger and a hint of fear.

"Tell me or i'll read your mind." i deadpan.

"it's-." he paused, hearing an Agent take the words right out of his mouth.

"They're the Avengers!" the agent shouts in disbelief.

"Steve." i breathed out. "Come on, let's go." The twins followed me out of the base and into the blizzard where the war cries became louder and fiercer. A roar sounded from a large green beast to the right of us. Hulk.

"Pietro, distract them. I'm gonna take Wanda to Tony and then i'm going after Steve." I said, Pietro motioning for Wanda to get onto his back, before zooming off and leaving me in the wind.

I zoomed around, knocking out a few of the Hydra agents on the way, searching for my friends. I heard Natasha's voice and immediately rushed off in that direction, only to find her draped over a man.

He looked like he was in his mid to late thirties, brown hair and a bow and arrow laying next to him. But most importantly, he had a hole in his stomach.

"Lia!" i ran over to her, crouching beside her, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. I pulled back slightly to see her face and she looked at me, tears pooling in her eyes.

"I thought i lost you again." she whispered.

My hand started glowing purple upon placing it against the man's stomach, his wound closing completely while he screamed in agony and suddenly fell silent. Natasha jumped backwards in fright, immediately tending to the man.

"Clint." I said and Natasha looked at me, puzzled.

"I never told you his name."

"Oh, I read his mind." i deadpanned, before i realised she didn't know about my newfound abilities.

"Right. We haven't spoke in like 4 months. Catch up is due." She chuckled, nodding.

"Where's Steve?" She didn't get to answer as i heard the distant but distinctive groans of Steven Grant Rogers. Before she could even speak, i had already zoomed off to find the source, leaving her shocked and confused.

"Steve." i panted once i had found him, on the floor at the top of the stairwell to the fire exit in the base. He looked up in shock, standing with Strucker.

"Juni?" He asked, smiling.

"Summer! Glad you could join us!" Strucker beamed. I walked over to him nonchalantly, striking a punch to his jaw. He crumpled to the floor with a thud.

"So glad." i nodded sarcastically at his unconscious form, turning to find Wanda hurling the blonde down the stairwell.


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