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I instinctively ran forwards, tossing Steve's shield to the side. I grabbed Nick's arm, pulling, but he wouldn't budge. That was until i felt a rush of more adrenaline than i ever have before, and it was as if Nick weighed nothing. I dragged him around the doorframe, or of the living room and into Steve's washroom.

I looked behind me to Steve where he was leant out the window, rushing back to us, but my attention was brought back to the man infront of me when he began speaking.

"Don't trust anyone." he warned between heavy breaths, coughs and splutters. He pushed a USB stick into Steve's hand.

We heard footsteps leading towards us and I mentally scolded myself for leaving the door wide open.

"Captain Rogers?' Steve poked his head out from behind to doorway cautiously and I followed suit to see the woman from the hallway earlier with a gun pointed infront of her.

"Captain, i'm Agent 13 S.H.I.E.L.D special service" she says checking in the room next to her with her gun still pointed in front of her.

Once she was convinced that the shooter wasn't in the apartment, she lowered her gun.

"I've been assigned to protect you" she says, still looking over the rooms.

"Like he needs protecting," I rolled my eyes, deciding i didn't like her.

"Who is this exactly?" she asked Steve, completely ignoring my presence.

"A friend." I replied.

"On who's order?" Steve asked, referring to the comment agent made a minute ago. Agent 13 carried on her path to find Nick's unconscious body.

"His." she said in a quiet but urgent tone,  rushing over to him.

Kneeling down, she immediately checked for a pulse. Relieved that she had found one, Agent 13 fumbled with her pyjama top and pulled out a walkie-talkie. Pressing down on the button on the side, she spoke into the device.

"Foxtrot is down, he's unresponsive i need EMTs."

"Do we have a 20 on the shooter?" the device spoke.

"Tell them i'm in pursuit" Steve spoke calm and collected.

"Correction we're in pursuit" I told him, looking up at him with no expression. 

"No, you're staying here" Steve told me sternly.

"Tell me what to do again and i'm kicking you where the sun doesn't shine." I matched his tone, watching as he turned around to go first, just as we'd practised.

We began running, jumping out the window and into the building opposite's window. It mildly stung when the broken glass grazed my shoulder, but i dealt with it. I stood when i landed and soon we were running full speed.

I was half expecting to fall behind, but Steve stayed by my side the entire run, mildly pissing me off.

"What the fuck are you doing? Go!" i yelled at him. I didn't need to be taken care of, i'm not a child anymore.

"This is as fast as i can go." he grunted, getting rid of another wall, running straight through it.

"What the hell do you mean! You run way faster than me!" i yelled, the adrenaline still pumping.

In the distance, the man with the silver arm was running atop the building lined up in front of us, and it was then that i realised i was barely out of breath.

We jumped through the window ahead of us and onto the same roof as the man with the metal arm.

We got back to our feet, Steve swinging his shield as if it were a frisbee with a grunt while i ran at him full speed. And as it was about to hit him in the back of the head he turned and caught it in one hand.

i'm dancing | bucky barnesWhere stories live. Discover now