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Sam in the drivers seat, Steve in the passengers and me and Natasha in the back, either side of Jasper.

"Hydra doesn't like leaks." Jasper said, still trying to persuade us to let him go.

"Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it." Sam said through clenched teeth.

"He said it's launching in a couple of hours, aren't we cutting it a little close?" Natasha poked her head around the corner.

"I know, we'll use him to bypass the retinol security and access the helicarriers directly." Steve sighed.

"What!? Are you crazy? That is a terrible terrible idea."Jasper started, although he never got to finish before we heard a loud crash on top of the car.

"Winter. Not here" i muttered. A loud crash was heard before a metal arm came through the window next to my head, pulling Jasper out from next to me, hitting me in the head in the meantime. The world became dark once again.

Music. Ballet music is all i could hear. And a woman. She was screaming at some girls behind a glass panel, telling them to start over.

"You'll break them" A ginger woman standing next to me said. She looked about 20.

"Only the ones that are breakable." The woman said, her russian accent thick. I was her youngest near-graduate. At the mere age of 14, I could defeat anyone thrown at me.

This of course, was thanks to Hydra and their training. I was given to this programme a couple of months ago to help boost the outcome of my training, making every kill a performance. I knew they'd be back for me. I just didn't expect it to be so soon.


Lights above me were moving. I looked to my right, my arms were strapped down and i was in a hospital bed. It must be the graduation ceremony. The ginger woman from earlier came into view and undid the restraints.

"Go Assie. GO!" She yelled at me. I began running, looking behind me to find her running too. I saw the bright lights of an open door, running faster than before, putting all my effort in to get out the door and into civilisation once again.

After a couple of seconds of running, i was out. i was free once again. I looked behind me to find the ginger woman being grabbed and strapped to the table instead.

"NO 'LIA!" i started running back until i was in sight of her.


"I CANT LEAVE YOU!" Tears welling up in my eyes.

"There's nowhere you can't go where i won't be there with you." she said, a tear rolling down her own cheek. She never showed emotion. Not even to me. She put her free hand over her chest.

"In here." she finished.

"Al- Always?" i stammered, trying to hold back my tears.

"Always." she replied as the last few restraints were put on her, and she was being wheeled away. A few guards were running towards me, so i pelted out the door once again, only to be caught by strong arms. Rumlow.

"Why hello there Juniper. We were about to come take you back. Those restraints weren't for your little ceremony, they were so you could go unharmed with us back to Hydra. Now that's not possible, we're going to have to do this the hard way" He punched me, hard in the side of the head, knocking me out cold.


I woke in a chair. Not any chair, no. THE chair.

"Ah you're awake." i heard from the left side of me. I turned my head abruptly, trying to find where it came from.

i'm dancing | bucky barnesWhere stories live. Discover now