e l e v e n

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The Iron Legionnaire suits crashed through the glass panels either side of Ultron. Steve jumped into action, kicking the small table infront of him, and crouching behind it, only to be thrown back by the legionnaire.

Maria jumped behind a couch and laid on her back, pointing her guns up and shooting at any robot that came near her. Thor used his hammer, swinging it infront of him and destroying the robots that dare try to attack him.

Tony and Rhodey jumped over the railing. I had no idea what they were doing. Tony was hit by a robot, sending him flying through a shelving unit. Rhodey was also hit, however he flew through a glass panel, landing on the platform above the quinjet.

"Tony!" i heard someone yell. It took everything in me not to just stand and watch while a really heavy shelf was leaning over him, about to topple. Sighing and mentally cursing my morals, I ran over.

I grabbed the bookshelf with one hand, extending the other to Tony.

"Grab my hand!" he lifted his hand and reached out towards mine. I quickly grabbed it, pulling him from beneath the leaning shelf before letting go, allowing it to crash onto the floor.

As soon as i saw he was out of danger, i tightened my grip on his hand, not allowing him to run off. My hand started to glow purple as i had expected and a loud groan escaped his lips and then silence. Well, at least from him. Everyone else was still loud.

I ran towards Clint, who had ducked under a table with Natasha. A robot flew at me, so i turned, grabbed its neck and body, and pulled hard. It fell apart in my hands, sparks flying from its neck.

Once the coast was clear of any oncoming robots, I held a hand out to Clint, helping him out from under the table.

"You guys okay?"

"We're fine, just a few bruises here and there." Clint replied, looking weak. As i pulled him up, i felt my hand slightly glow, not as much as usual and then he looked energetic again, as usual.

Somehow, i had transferred some energy using my healing powers, which had also sobered him up.

I held my hand out to Natasha. which immediately started glowing as soon as i touched her. She winced.

i didn't want to cause her any more pain, so i thought about pulling the pain into my own body, and it did just that. But only until she was fully healed, at which point the pain completely faded.

"Isn't it supposed to hurt when you heal someone?" Nat looked confused.

"It did." i grunted, running off towards Steve.

Natasha followed me, grabbing his shield on the way there to throw to him. We fought them all off until all of them had been eliminated, at which point we all stood together, guards up. We looked ahead to the only robot left standing. Ultron.

"I'm sorry, i know you mean well." Ultron spoke and Steve stepped forward. "You just didn't think it through. You wanna protect the world but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to- evolve. Not these- these puppets." It held up one of the broken robots, breaking the face off it, and throwing it back to the ground.

"There's only one path to peace. The Avengers' extinction." Thor looked like he'd had enough, and threw his hammer at it, completely destroying his final form.

Ultron's voice echoed around the room, singing a song so familiar to me. Shaking my head, I walked around to Tony who had a large gash across his head, looking dizzy.

I sighed, and put my hand directly on the gash, feeling my hand glow. It felt warm and fuzzy. After a few seconds, Tony's groans were silenced and the gash was gone. I guess it's quicker if i touch the wound directly.

i wandered around everyone, touching them and assessing injuries. It was as if when i touched someone who was hurt, their injuries popped into my head, another aspect of my healing abilities having decided to show itself.

By the time i was done, i had healed Steve's broken ankle, Helens concussion, Bruce's bruised rib, Rhodey's spinal fracture and, surprisingly, Thor's torn muscle. I was also completely drained.

"Is that everyone?" i asked, my vision becoming blurred.

"Why don't you sit down Juni?" Tony asked.

"You don't get to call me that." i scowled before falling to the ground, unconscious.


"It's a hoot that you don't get why we need this." Tony scoffed, his eyes scanning the crowd forming around him as i stood watching in the doorframe.

"You know what Stark, I was starting to believe that maybe you weren't that bad. But i guess i was wrong because even when we've just lost the fight, you still stand there defending yourself like you've never done anything wrong. We didn't need this! " i yelled, walking into the room completely, stopping infront of him.

"You're not one of us." Tony scoffed, and i'll admit, it stung a little.

"You're right. I'm not. But i just saved all of your asses so i think i deserve a little bit of involvement here."

"I didn't ask you to help me."

"If it weren't for my help, your ass would be buried under the damn bookcase." He looked at me, rage burning behind his dark brown eyes.

"Tony, maybe this might not be the time-." Bruce was cut off by his agrivating voice.

"Really? That's it? You just roll over, show your belly everytime someone snarls?"

"Only when i've created a murderbot."

"We didn't. We weren't even close- were we close to an interface." Bruce shrugged, eyebrows raised, lips pursed.

"Well you did something right. And you did it right here. The Avengers were supposed to be different than S.H.I.E.L.D." Steve crossed his arms.

"Anyone remember when i carried a nuke through a wormhole?" Tony challenged.

"No, never come up." Rhodey answered.

"Saved New York?"

"Never heard that"

"You recall that? A hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space, were standing 300 feet below it. We're the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all life long, but that up there- that's the endgame. How are you guys planning on beating that?" That's when i piped up, feeling less angry and more sympathy towards Tony.

"Together." i spoke softly. Tony stepped towards me.

"We'll lose." Tony spoke.

"Then we'll do that together too." Steve agreed, taking a step towards me, "Thor's right, Ultron's calling us out. And i'd like to find him before he's ready for us. The world's a big place. Let's start making it smaller."

edited - 19/03/23

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