s i x t e e n

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Pietro and I sped into the police station, my hand clutches in his as he began to yell at the unphased officers.

"We're under attack!"

"Clear the city!" I finished as we sped straight back out to assist Wanda, until we realised that mobement was at an all time low back in the station.

I released Pietro's hand from my grasp, heading back i to the station, but this time i took a much different approach.

I borrowed an AK47 from a patrol officer, racing back inside the station to address the officers again. I shot at the ceiling, effectively getting their attention.

"Get off your asses." I deadpanned, quickly returning the gun and racing back to the twins. Wanda's task was to use her mental manipulation to guide the citizens out of the city, but it took a lot of energy to do it with such a large number of people at one time. I quickly moved my hands around, the purple energy dancing around them.

I lowered my hands to my sides loosely, closing my eyes and pushing my frantic thoughts into the people of Sokovia's heads. It took a lot of concentration and energy so i understood why this should have been a two person job.

Once everyone in the apartment building we were standing outside of was finally out and safe at the rendezvous point, Wanda's job was finally done. We slowly walked back to Steve at the bridge to conserve energy. This was about to be a big fight.

I looked down at the now shaking ground, startled by the sudden change. Large cracks began opening up all over the streets of Sokovia, robots of Ultron clawing their way out. Panic quickly spread across the people in the streets, the air suddenly filling with screams.

"дерьмо" i mumbled under my breath (shit). We began running back towards the herd of people the robots were now cornering.

"Get back! Get off the bridge!" Wanda yelled, pushing people behind her.

"Force field?" i asked her and she nodded, getting ready. I held my hands up, my eyes turning a bright purple, my energy dancing around my hands. The robots rose their hands to charge their repulsors, getting ready to fire.

"Wanda, now!" i yelled, pulling my hands together and bumping them, connecting the energy before increasing the distance between my hands and spreading the energy at least a couple of metres, the only evidence of it being there being the slight purple glint. Wanda did the same with hers, the ends slightly overlapping each other, protecting everyone in our little bubble. They fired.

The shots bounced off the force field, but it made it much more difficult to uphold.

"Pietro get them out of here!" i yelled, the bubble becoming weaker with each hit. It forced me to push more energy infront of me and increasing the growing exhaustion i felt. Pietro began yelling at them to run, directing them out of harms way, before zooming out infront of our force field and dodging shots.

He punched through every bot he could see, ripping the heads off of some of them and letting them fall with a clank. Finally, all the bots were destroyed and we were able to lower the force field. The energy replaced itself back into my body, revitalising me. I sighed in content.

Clint appeared near us, shooting arrows at bots coming at us, the occasional energy ball being hurled at them. Car alarms began beeping and people began screaming louder.

We glanced behind us, finding the dirt to be moving. And then ground opposite us was falling lower and lower. People were jumping to the other side, and some were falling. Pietro was closest and he was slowly edging further toward the edge due to the slight slope that had been created.

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