f i v e

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We arrived at the shopping mall and walked along the bottom floor, beside the fountain.

"First rule of going on the run is don't run, walk." Natasha muttered, hardly moving her lips.

"If i run in these shoes, they're gonna fall off." Steve mutters back. We climb up the escalators to the Apple store and crowd round a laptop.

"Told you." i sung to him with a roll of my eyes.

"The drive has a level six programme so as soon as we open it up, S.H.I.E.L.D will know exactly where we are." Natasha spoke lowly so nobody but us could hear.

"How much time will we have" i questioned, looking around for anyone suspicious.

"Uh, about nine minutes from" she paused, plugging in the stick, "now."

"I'm gonna try running a tracer" Natasha mumbled as she fumbled with the keyboard.

"This is a programme that S.H.I.E.L.D built to track hostile malware, so if we can't read the file maybe we can find out where it came from" she explained further.

A short guy with long, blonde hair and a scruffy beard, wearing the uniform of a floor helper of the store came up to us.

"Can i help you guys with anything?" Natasha gave me a sinister look and i knew exactly what she was about to do.

"Oh i was just helping my friends here look for a honeymoon destination" she smiled brightly. Signalling me to go with it. I hugged Steve's side under his jacket and he put his arm around me, pulling me closer. I put on a wide smile, committing to the role. Internally, i shuddered, uncomfortable with the physical touch, even from Steve.

"Yeah, we're getting married." he chuckled lightly, making me cringe at the thought. He was like an older brother.

"Congratulations." The scruffy IT guy said joyously. I looked over my shoulder at Nat who was typing quite fast and erratically.

"Where you guys thinkin about goin?" he continued, reaching his head over to try and see. Steve followed his gaze.

"New Jersey," he said, unsure of himself.

"Huh." the IT guy said, probably expecting something like hawaii or the bahamas. He started looking intently at Steve and i almost thought he recognised him until he said,
"I have the exact same glasses."

Relief spread across Steve's face as he nodded.

"Ah you two are practically twins." Natasha said flatly.

"Yeah haha i wish, specimen hah." he chuckled, "uh if you guys need anything, I've been Aaron."

"Thank you." i smiled at him generously. As he left, i let go of Steve and went over to the other side of Natasha, dropping the smile and replacing it with a scowl.

"Thanks for that." i grumbled at her, watching a small smile spread across her face.

"Come on you said 9 minutes." Steve spoke exasperated, looking around for hostiles.

"Relax," Natasha said, ironically, as she relaxed and smiled, "got it." on the screen showed Steve's old army camp.

I knew because he had shown me pictures, and that was it. Steve took the drive out and pocketed it again.

"Let's go." We walked out of the shop, heads down but still looking for any agents.

"Standard TAG team, two behind, two across" Steve paused looking around, "two coming right at us. If they make us, i'll engage, you two hit the south escalator at the metro."

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