f o u r

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We walked into the hospital, not to cause any alarm, and speed walked over to the vending machine where Steve had stashed the USB, but when we arrived, it was nowhere to be found.

"Relax, no one's gonna find it." i mocked his earlier comment with crossed arms. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by the sound of a bubblegum bubble popping.

Steve pushed the redhead into the opposite room, pinning her to the wall with an infuriated expression. I followed him, bewildered at his sudden outburst, closing the door behind me.

"What-" he cuts me off.

"Where is it?" Steve asked through clenched teeth.

"Safe." Natasha told him.

"Do better."

"Where did you get it" Natasha spat at him.

"Why would i tell you?" She then turned back to Steve, realisation written all over her face.

"Fury gave it to you, why?" She looked concerned. I checked my imaginary watch, awfully bored as i stood on door watch.

"What's on it?" Steve asked, slightly more calm than before.

"I don't know." Natasha said, slightly scared at her usually calm friend looking very pissed off.

"Stop lying!" he almost shouted in her face.

"I only act like i know everything, Rogers."

Steve looked at me questioningly, i shrugged.

"I know who killed Fury" i heard over the hustling and bustling of the corridor.

"You're gonna need to elaborate" i spoke after a few beats of silence.

"Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists but the ones who do call him the Winter Soldier. He's credited with over two dozen assassinations in the last 50 years."

"So he's a ghost story." i scoffed, shaking my head in frustration.

"5 years ago i was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran, somebody shot out my tires near Odessa, we lost control, went straight over a cliff. i pulled us out. But the Winter Soldier was there. I was covering my engineer so he shot him, straight through me." She lifted up her top and jacket, revealing a pink scar around the length of two quarters, about an a inch from her belly button.

"Soviet slug, no rifling, bye bye bikinis" she said raising her eyebrows.

"Yea i bet you look terrible in them now." Steve scowled.

"Going after him's a dead end. I know, i've tried." She held up the USB stick infront of Steve's face, "Like she said, he's a ghost story."

Steve took the USB stick, angry expression still being worn.

"Well let's find out what the ghost wants."

"What was his name again?" i asked, the name feeling familiar to me.
"The Winter Soldier" Natasha said, confused.

"The Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier." i mumbled to myself, wracking my brain for the memory trying to break free, until it finally was.

"Summer, time for training" I saw Agent Riccardo standing infront of my cell. Riccardo was the Agent who took over Eugene's place as my mentor and had grown very fond of me in the past 3 years, seeing me as a little sister. My cell had a small, hard cot, which i was laying on, a small sink in the corner and a tray of leftover food from last night's dinner. I groaned and stretched out my arms and legs and slowly got up, noticing that Riccardo looked worried.

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