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The whole room was aluminated with shades of orange and red, turning the room into our own personal sauna. What felt like sweat dripped down my forehead, although it could also be blood.

Steve was visibly struggling to hold the shield up, which was now the only thing separating us from being crushed by large fragments of the building. Getting up from being curled into the fetal position, i place a both hands beside his on the shield, feeling that energy from earlier.

"Push it up." i breathed.

"Juni you won't be strong enough." Steve replied, Natasha looking at me concerned.

"Steve, i know my limits. Something's happening to me and it's something to do with what they did to me. There's no way i'm going to figure that out trapped, Steve."


"Just push." I insisted.

"On the count of three." Steve finally gave in. I adjusted my position on the shield, balancing it out so all of the shield will have the same amount of weight spread throughout.


"Two" A deep breath in.

"Three" A deep breath out.

"Push!" I yelled.

I pushed up with all my might, mine and Steve's strength combined causing the rubble to give way for us to escape. Motioning Natasha to go first, my arms began to shake.

I'm not sure why because i didn't feel like i was going to drop my hold. It wasn't too heavy that i was going to collapse. It was only then that i noticed the long shard of glass jammed into my forearm. I think it was the first time Steve had seen it too because his eyes became wider than ever before and he seemed to be shouting at me.
I could barely hear him, but i read his lips: 'Go' is what he was telling me all along. That was the last thing i saw before my vision went completely dark.


Footsteps. That's what i heard. Then i felt my arm, it was like it was burning me alive. Voices. I sat up abruptly, instantly regretting it as my head screamed for me to lay back down. It all came back to me. Zola, Hydra, Winter, all of it.

Whipping my head around, investigating my surroundings, ignoring the pain, i found myself to be in a bedroom. The walls were a toupe colour.

There were a lack of pictures around the room, a guest room. I whipped the quilt off of me and swung my legs off the bed, seeing that both my shoes and socks had been removed and placed next to it.

I slowly got up, careful with my arm, which was now bandaged and i assume stitched up. Not many with a hostile intention would help their victims. I still didn't want to take the risk.

Silently, i padded out of the room and down the stairs, finding a dark-skinned man drinking orange juice right out of the carton. I couldn't see Steve or Natasha anywhere. I grabbed the knife on the counter by the door, concealing it slightly in the sleeve of my hoodie.

I gathered all the strength i had in the moment to shove him against the wall, the orange carton having been placed back just in time.

"Who are you and what do you want from me." I managed, throat suddenly burning. I can thank the smoke for that. I held the knife to his throat, putting a small amount of pressure on it.

"Steve!" He spoke slightly startled, hands up in surrender. "Steve!" he called again, the man rushing into the room, Natasha hot on his heels.

"Juni!" Steve yelled, holding his hands out, his eyes pleading with me.

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