Ghost Rider Arc #3

950 51 67

Strikers: Monster

Unaffiliated: Ghost Rider (Reyes), Ghost Rider (Blaze)


You watched as the new Ghost Rider stood over Robbie with an angry gaze. You stood there and looked at your claws and back at the flaming man before you.

Y/N: I think I'm gonna need some bigger claws.

Robbie stared at this Ghost Rider is fear and confusion.

Robbie: Eli, why does he look like us? Who is he?

Eli: You better let me take the reigns on this one, kid.

Robbie moved his head as it transformed into his Rider form. Robbie stood up from the dead man and charged at the Ghost Rider.

You watched as Robbie grabbed The Rider and tackled him to the ground. Robbie began to lay a beat down on him, before he found himself getting flung away. The Rider pushed himself up as you approached him.

Y/N: Hey! Please tell me that you're on my side.

The rider looked at you.

Ghost Rider: You Monster?

You nodded.

Ghost Rider: Good. I'm Johnny Blaze. We need to stop this killer before he gets too powerful.

Killer? From.what you saw, it looked like this guy seemed remorseful. Suddenly, Robbie returned and swung at Johnny. Johnny dodged, and you grabbed his wrist before you slammed him into the ground.

Johnny threw out a chain which wrapped around Robbie.

Johnny: You made a big mistake, kid. You don't want to give me answers? Then I'll slam them out of you!

Johnny pulled on his chain which sent Robbie into the air. Johnny then slammed his into the ground. He then grabbed Robbie and lifted him up by his throat.

Johnny: You can't hide anything from me. I can see right through souls...and yours is a piece of work. Eli Marrow, is it? You murderous, sadistic, unrepentant Satanist! I've seen the foulest souls, both mortal and immortal alike. But, never anything like yours. You'll repent for the decades of pain and suffering you've brought upon the innocent.

Robbie, no...Eli began to laugh. He reached behind him and you noticed it seemed to dissaper.

Eli: Repent? Not in my dictionary.

He suddenly pulled out a chain and swung it at Johnny. Johnny ducked under it and you lunged forward and tackled Eli to the ground.

Johnny: Nice try, Marrow.

You and Johnny watched as Eli sat up. He seemed to be smiling.

Eli: I had enough of you, Bones. Time for me to blow this stand!

Johnny felt a tug on his leg and looked down to see that a chain was wrapped around his leg. Eli stood up and you watched as his car drove straight through him. You jumped out of the way as Eli drove off.

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