Runaways Return #2

451 33 7

Strikers: Monster, Dagger, Wolverine, Toxin, Bruiser, Loki, Crystal

Runaways: Sister Grimm (Nico), Lucy in the Sky (Karolina), Talkback (Chase), Arsenic (Gertrude), Alex Wilder

Unaffiliated: Hawkeye (Bishop)



20 Years Ago...

Geoffrey: EAT LEAD, PIGS!

Geoffrey Wilder opened fire on the pursuing police as he drove through the streets of East LA. In the passenger seat was his wife, Catherine. She was counting the cash from their least job while her husband provided the getaway.

These two were Chase's parents.

Catherine: Baby, you're my hero.

Geoffrey: So you don't believe what your ma said? About me not being marriage material?

Catherine just smiled.

Catherine: You know, I'm glad we eloped, Geoff. We're gonna run this town one day, just like...

???: Geoffrey and Catherine Wilder, you've been summoned.

The two looked at the mysterious voice before they suddenly found themselves vanishing in a bright light.

Across the city, a crowd began to gather around the sudden appearance of something else all together.

Dale and Stacey Yorkes. The parents of Gertrude Yorkes.

Stacy: You worthless meshuggener! You've stranded us in the 2000's! Have you ever read a history book?! This is the worst possible decade you could've landed us in!

Dale: Technically that would be the 2020's, dear. Relax. Just a minor misalignment on our 4-D portico. I'll have us up and running in no time.

Stacy: "No time" is what I'm worried about! We have to get these artifacts back before...

???: Dale and Stacy Yorkes, you've been summoned.

The two suddenly found themselves vanishing in a bright light.

In a neighborhood, merely blocks away, a group gathered in the front lawn of a married couple. But, they were not kind.

Man: Mutie scum!

He threw a rock which hit the side of Alice Hayes. Beside her was her husband, Gene. Parents to Molly.

Alice: No! Please! Me and my husband have been good neighbors! We're not...

Gene: Stop whimpering, Alice! I'm tired of this!

He stepped forward as his eyes began to glow a pink color. He stood in front of his wife to defend her.

Gene: Let's show these man-apes what evolution looks like...

???: Gene and Alice Hayes, you've been summoned.

The crowd watched as the couple were suddenly engulfed in a bright light.

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