New York #4

806 37 60

Strikers: Monster, Scarlet Witch, Dagger, Toxin, Bruiser, Squirrel Girl, Enchantress

Avengers: Black Widow

Unaffiliated: Black Cat, ???


You ducked under the blade that Zemo swung before you slashed at him with your claws. He dodged effortlessly and leaped back as you gave chase.

Zemo was weaker than you by a fucking landslide, but he was more skilled and coordinated. On top of that, you didn't want to let them steal your power for another device.

Who knows what happened to Robbie?

But as you and Wanda fought off two Cabal members without even knowing what the Cabal was, mayhem spread all throughout New York. Even in a few other places, like Arizona and Nevada. And of course there was Laura with Pearl.

But this arc is called New York. Why would I tell you what was going on there?

Cause I can and you can't stop me.


But I'll do that on a later arc. For now, let's check in on Tandy and Molly, shall we?

Tandy and Molly were the last ones to be given an assignment to help with holding back the mysterious attack. Most of the Program was sent over to the CUBE while the others joined the Avengers at the RAFT.

Tyrone, Elsa, and Loki went to help the Avengers. So what were Tandy and Molly doing?

Widow: There was a break in at the Thieves Guild's headquarters.

Tandy: What? Why are we being sent to investigate a break in when there's breakouts everywhere?

Widow sighed.

Widow: Because the Thieves Guild has a lot of very powerful weapons locked away. They've had years to build their collections. And because I said so.

Molly: So, what do we do? I mean, where do we send the bad guy when we catch them?

Widow was about to answer, but stopped. She honestly didn't have an answer. Every super prison were kinda....unavailable right now.

Toxin: To the grave!

Molly: Yes!

Tandy: NO!

Widow: No. No! No killing. Y/N would never forgive me if I let you start murdering people. Just, deal with them and we'll go from there. Hopefully things will calm down by then.

Molly pouted but Tandy simply nodded.

Tandy: We'll check it out. What are you going to do?

Widow: I have to go help the Avengers over at the RAFT. Once you guys are done, check in with either me or Y/N and join your friends on the helicarrier.

The two girls nodded and Toxin covered Molly. She grabbed Tandy and swung out of the room before she swung through the city.
Doreen: Woah!

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