Daughter of the Waves #2

606 34 16

Strikers: Wolverine

Unaffiliated: Wave, Sea Hunter


Laura and Pearl watched as the Sea Hunter swung her spear around, blocking the incoming mini missiles that the ships fired off.

Sea Hunter: Stay lively, girls! You don't want to end up in the belly of the Alontech Sea Wolves.

Laura: What do they even want?

Sea Hunter pulled back her spear.

Sea Hunter: Your friend, Wave, of course. Cut open on the operating table so they can figure out how they gave her powers to begin with.

Pearl: You know about my powers?

Sea Hunter smiled at her.

Sea Hunter: Oh, I try to keep track of Alontech's experiments. Kind of a personal interest, given that I was their first!

She threw her spear and the two girls watched as it flew through the air. It flew right into one of the thrusters which erupted.

Pearl: Wait, what?!

Laura: Don't listen to her, Wave! She trying to trick us!

They had no idea who the hell this woman was. Or even what she wanted. There was no way to trust her just because she knew about Pearl.

If anything, it should raise even more red flags!

Pearl: Maybe, but I'm curious...

Sea Hunter: More it, ladies!

Sea Hunter ran past the girls and they looked up to see the ship falling from the sky. Laura and Pearl immediately turned and ran as the shop came crashing down.

Pearl: Watch out!

Pearl used her powers to create a shield of somekind to protect them from the debris, but one piece of metal ended up hitting Sea Hunter.

Laura: Shit.

She didn't trust her, but she couldn't just let her die.

She moved to help her, but another missile hit the sand next to her. She stepped back and looked up at the two other ships.

Pearl turned to one, and used the water from the shield to create a whirlpool which flew up towards it. It spiraled upwards and stabbed right into it, blowing it up.

Laura: My turn. Can I get a boost?

Pearl nodded and used the water to sent Laura flying right towards the ship. She popped her claws out and stabbed right into the metal.

Pearl watched as she dissapered into the ship. She stood there for a moment before the ship suddenly started to fall from the sky.

Laura quickly jumped out and free fell from the sky. Pearl caught her as the ship crashed in the jungle.

Pearl: Yeah! That was awesome!

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