The Strikers #3

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Strikers: Monster, Scarlet Witch, Cloak, Dagger, Wolverine, Ghost Rider, Toxin, Bruiser, Loki

Winter Guard: Ursa Major

Avengers: Captain America, Black Panther


Robbie: Hello? Hello? Anyone there?

Molly: Robbie!

Toxin: Rob!

Molly held her card as a small hologram of Robbie appeared on it. He was testing out the modification you had put on his card that allowed cross communication across worlds.

Robbie: Hey! Wow. It's so good to see you guys.

As the three spoke, Tandy looked over the information Robbie had sent over. It was regarding his car and the way it worked. She figured it would be a good idea to start tinkering with it when it got back.

Tandy: So you've never once changed the oil in this thing?

Robbie's hologram switched to the full body hologram that was attached to a moving projector. He looked at the hologram of the car, as if it was actually there in the room, and shook his head.

Robbie: I tried, once. It nearly bit my entire arm off. I really wouldn't go poking around under the hood if I was you.

Tandy: I sleep in the same place as this thing. If your Hell Charger is poison or it's glove box is a gateway to hell, it would be good to know.

Robbie: Actually, the truck is the portal to hell. Now, why do I have all of these files?

He held up the set of files he had printed out from the data you sent him.

Molly: Y/N said that we need to read up on the bad guys the Cabal recruited.

Toxin: So we can beat them up easier.

Robbie just sighed as he looked through them. He recognized some names, but others were just foreign to him.

Robbie: I kinda miss fighting the fish people. Can we do that again? And where is everyone else?

Tandy crossed her arms.

Tandy: Y/N is having a big important meeting upstairs. Tyrone is with him for some reason. Crystal is in Attilan at the moment, so there's that. Elsa, Doreen, Pearl, and Amora went into town for Y/N. I didn't ask. Wanda and Laura are....busy.

Robbie: And Loki?

Tandy looked over to Molly who just shrugged. Yeah, Loki was missing. But whatever. He couldn't do anything without the threat of you kicking his ass anyway.
Upstairs, you stood at the head of a large table in what was called the Edan room. It was a room filled with plant life and had constant fresh air circling. You wore your nice clothes while you looked at those who had gathered.

Y/N: I don't need to tell you that these are times of unparalleled danger and division for our planet. You all know that better than anyone. And that's why you're here. And why you're the greatest heroes the world has to offer.

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