New York #3

794 37 41

Strikers: Monster, Scarlet Witch, Ghost Rider, Enchantress, Squirrel Girl

Avengers: Hulk



Dr. Samson walked down the halls with his mouth covered as the gamma radiation spread. The readings were now dangerously high and explosions erupted all around.

One of them managed to get him, sending him to the ground.

Abomination watched from the security room with a grin.
New York was watching as the SHIELD helicarrier fell from the sky. You and your friends watched with wide eyes, unable to look away.

Tandy: We have to do something!

You snapped out of your trance and nodded.

Y/N: Wanda, you're with me. Everyone else, get back to the tower!

Nadia: Wait!

She grabbed your arm.

Nadia: We can help.

Y/N: It's too dangerous. Go back to the tower and get orders from Widow.

You pulled away and you flew up into the sky with Wanda. Everyone watched for a moment before they all hurried down the street.

In the helicarrier, the engineers struggled to keep the craft in the sky. The crew themselves were tending to the injuried and looking for the escaped prisoners.

One officer looked around with his weapon drawn. However, he was pulled into the darkness by an unseen figure.

The others turned around and aimed their weapons at the figure as they emerged.

???: Settle down. The show is just about to start.

Green gas filled the room before monstrous beings ran out of the smoke.

You reached the helicarrier and turned to Wanda.

Y/N: We need to divert this thing to the water. Keep it away from any buildings.

Wanda nodded. She waved her hands around and the energy surrounding the front of the helicarrier. You flew to the front and upped your power as you grabbed onto the metal.

You took a deep breath and closed your eyes.

You had been practicing on your own lately. To see how long you could hold onto your Manhattan Armor before it started to destroy your body.

You had two minutes to stop this thing from crashing into the city.!

Your eyes shot open and your body began to glow before the Armor covered your body. You let out a cry as you could feel all of your muscles flex at once before you found yourself holding the helicarrier with ease.

You lifted it up and used Wanda's spell to direct it towards the ocean. She created a second spell that spread through the helicarrier, protecting everyone on board.

Y/N: You have everyone?!

Wanda: I got them!

Y/N: Then here we go!

Monster: StrikersWhere stories live. Discover now