2. Never say never

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September 2nd 2019

Monday. Taylor had been anticipating this day for a long time now. The 18 year old has always been a hard worker and fought her way to where she is today. She's worked her whole life to get to this point, to be living her dream and going to college in the big city. Dedication and determination is what it took for Taylor to graduate as valedictorian of her senior class, and the same attributes have gotten her to NYU, her dream school.

Of course she's nervous, but the butterflies in her stomach stem from excitement more than nerves. She's the new girl in a new city, all alone for the first time. Well, not completely alone because after her eventful night on Saturday she bonded over her embarrassment with her roommate.

Taylor takes a nervous breath and looks around as the students and professors whiz past her, each simply looking to get through the first day without any hassles. Taylor on the other hand, she is terrified and not very good at hiding it, so surrounded by all of the loud and energetic personalities, the blonde sticks out like a sore thumb.

"Are you doing okay over here?" A voice startles her from her daze and she looks over to meet the soft brown eyes of a shorter brunette beside her. "I'm just a little nervous. I'm a country girl, so this is all so new and a little scary." Taylor admits her fears to the girl in a light hearted and joking manner, but her stomach is in knots. "What are you majoring in?" She asks again and Taylor gives her a warm smile, "English literature." The other girl's smile brightens and she extends a hand to Taylor, "me too, I'm Selena." Taylor graciously accepts the handshake and she feels a little more relived that she'll know at least one other person.

"The first class is at nine, so we better get a move on. Unless you're not done with your crisis." Taylor blushes and laughs as she shakes her head, "I think I'm good." The two laugh together and then start walking towards the lecture hall, trying not to get lost. "I heard that the professor for this course is meant to be amazing." The brunette nonchalantly comments as they walk down the hallway towards the classroom. Taylor just nods and tries to settle the butterflies in her stomach, she hasn't studied her class schedule much so she can't even remember who's teaching this class.

Selena makes excited small talk and as Taylor walks into the room behind the shorter brunette, she's so distracted that she walks into a desk: her books and everything scattering across the floor. The blonde has what feels like hundreds of eyes staring at her and her cheeks turn a deep crimson as she clumsily grabs for her things and stuffs them back into her bag. Little does she realise, the other tall figure at the front of the room kneels beside her and helps her gather her books before standing back up and extending a hand to the flustered student.

Taylor accepts and as the woman helps her to her feet, her eyes travel to the face of the courteous woman and her heart starts beating at a hundred miles a minute for a whole other reason; her emerald eyes, her porcelain skin, the blonde hair framing her face, the sharpness of her jawline. "Shit..." she mumbles as she locks on the familiar features and the professor raises her eyebrow, "are you okay?" The question brings her back to reality but now she's nervous for a whole other reason, "yes, ma'am," she mumbles her response and a small smirk pulls the woman's features.

Taylor's blush deepens and the professor smiles, "why don't you go and find a seat." The timid blonde nods and the professor watches as the younger girl makes her way to a seat. Their eyes meet for another brief second as Taylor faces the front of the room, and the professor wears a small smirk as she breaks the gaze, looking around the room before turning back to her presentation. "Welcome to English literature 101, my name is Professor Kloss," she glances to Taylor one last time and the blonde is wearing a deep blush - she's not going to forget her name again anytime soon.

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