20. Safe and sound

628 31 2

November 13th 2019

"I'm tired," Taylor mumbles against Karlie's shoulder as the professor holds her close, she has an IV in her right arm but the sickness has passed, at least for now. "I know, baby," Karlie kisses her cheek as she rubs her arm, it's late and they're waiting on Addison coming back to tell them what's going on - she was still waiting on the test results from earlier on. She checked the baby and the little one still has a strong heartbeat and everything so far suggests that she's perfectly okay, so now it's just Taylor that's a concern and keeping baby girl healthy.

"I bought a few things for her today, I went out with Selena before I met Dianna," the blonde is tired but she can't sleep so she's trying to distract herself. "Oh yeah?" Karlie chuckles as she rubs Taylor's back and she nods, "I was going to call you and show you after you got home." She was so happy this morning and now she just feels so defeated.

They settle into a comfortable silence and Taylor plays with Karlie's fingers as she tries to stop her mind running at a million miles.

"Taylor?" She's on hourly observation so Addison didn't expect the couple to be asleep but she enters quietly anyway. "I got your test results back from this morning and it appears that my suspicions were correct." Taylor frowns as she sits up straight, Karlie helping her. "Your blood test tells us that you're anaemic but from what you've said tonight, I think you've also been dealing with hyperemesis gravidarum which is a severe form of morning sickness. It's very common but often goes undiagnosed, but this combined with the anaemia explains why you're feeling the way you are."

Taylor frowns as she holds Karlie's hand, "will it hurt the baby? If it's doing this to me then what about her?" Addison smiles gently as she shakes her head, "with the right management then you will both be perfectly fine. You will need to take it easy for a couple of days but I'm going to write out your prescription and it should be ready by the time your IV comes out, then you can get home to your own bed."

The blonde sighs a breath of relief as she nods, tearing up a little as she drops her head to Karlie's shoulder. She was so scared that this was her fault. "Thank you, Doctor Montgomery," Karlie smiles gratefully and Addison nods, "I'll be back to discharge you shortly."

Addison leaves them and Taylor pulls Karlie into a kiss, "I love you," the blonde sighs as she rests her forehead against Karlie's and the older woman holds her tight, "I love you too, darling." Taylor can finally breathe as she sinks back into Karlie's arms, everything is going to be okay.

"Do you wanna go home and change? We might be here for a few more hours and you can't be comfortable in that," Taylor always marvels at how well Karlie manages to hide her anatomy, especially in a dress as tight as the one she's wearing. The professor isn't ashamed but she'd much rather avoid the questions and keep her personal life and her anatomy to herself. "I'm okay, darling, I just want to be here with my girls," Taylor wears a tired smile as she looks down to Karlie's hand resting protectively on her bump, exactly where it has been all night. "I just want to go back home," she yawns and Karlie presses a soft kiss to her forehead, "we'll go home soon, darling, I promise."


Taylor got a little bit of sleep before the drip finished and the nurse came in to remove it for her, Addison following shortly after with her prescription and discharge papers - letting Karlie take her home.

"Here you go, darling," the professor frowns as she sits on the edge of the bed, handing Taylor a glass of water, "are you sure you don't want me to take the day off? I don't want to leave you if you're still not feeling well." Taylor gives her a soft smile as she shakes her head, "I'll be fine, you're only going to be gone a few hours and Cara is going to bring me some things so that I don't need to worry."

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