33. The moment I knew

466 35 12

May 2nd 2020

The days seem to get longer and time moves so much slower as Taylor nears the end of her pregnancy. She's thirty five weeks with just over a month left to go and every painful second is dragging on. She's ready for this to be over and to have their daughter to love and hold and spoil rotten.

"Do you need a hand?" Karlie looks to Taylor as she puts her second earring in. Tonight is the book launch for Karlie's book that will finally be released at midnight, and she knows how uncomfortable her heavily pregnant girlfriend is so she told Taylor she didn't have to come, but the blonde insisted - this is a huge thing for Karlie and she wants to be there holding her hand. "Zip me up?" The blonde turns back to her girlfriend and Karlie moves behind her so she can pull the zipper up the length of Taylor's back. "You look gorgeous, baby," she stands behind the younger woman in the mirror as she scans Taylor's appearance.

The blonde is wearing a black fitted halter neck dress with slits up her thighs, her make up is light with the addition of a red lip and cat eye and her curls are pinned up with strands framing her face.

"I'm huge," Taylor laughs as she cradles her stomach and Karlie shakes her head, running her hands over her girlfriend's bump, "you're carrying our child, you're incredible." Taylor sighs, a warm smile on her face as she meets Karlie's eyes, "I'll feel a whole lot better once she's in our arms instead of my uterus," Karlie laughs too as she presses a soft kiss to Taylor's neck, "she'll be here soon, darling, just a couple more weeks."

They're both so ready for their daughter to be born, and they know the last few weeks are going to drag out.

"We should go, you don't wanna be late for your own big night," Taylor turns to face Karlie and the older woman nods, the teen taking in Karlie's outfit for the first time - she's wearing a cream suit with a black bralette underneath and she looks so unbelievably hot. "I'm going to be fighting girls off you," she smirks as she picks her things up off of the bed and Karlie shakes her head, "you're the only girl I could ever need."

They make sure they have everything before leaving the apartment, telling Joe they'll be home in a few hours. Karlie takes Taylor's hand, walking down all the stairs and then helping her into the car. The blonde has been grumpy, tired and in pain constantly since she hit thirty weeks and Addison expects that because Taylor's body is under so much pressure she might end up having baby girl early, so they're just trying to make sure she can make it the next two weeks so she's full term and then baby girl could come any day she likes.

All of the important people in Karlie's life are going to be here tonight and for the first time in this whole process she's nervous. She's been working on this book for years and Taylor finally gave her the inspiration to finish it, but she's so scared for her work to finally be out for the world to read.

"I can feel you worrying from here,"  Taylor laughs as she glances over to Karlie, the older woman trying to hold it together. "Everyone is going to love your book, Karlie, it's incredible - you are incredible," Taylor squeezes the older woman's thigh as Karlie drives, a soft smile taking over her features as she glances to the younger blonde, "I've poured so much of myself into this book, all of my pain and fear and love and joy - this is where I centred it all." Taylor nods, she's read a large portion of the book or Karlie has read it to her, and she knows just how hard it was for Karlie to bare her soul in the way that she did.

"I'm telling you, Karls, there is no universe that this book isn't going to do well. It's beautifully written and heartbreaking and inspiring and so, so incredible." Karlie smiles back at Taylor as she stops at a stop light, "thank you," simply knowing that Taylor believes in her so much, it reassures Karlie. Taylor has been her biggest support from day one and she adores her for that.

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