21. Happy birthday to you

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December 13th 2019

The last month has been chaotic to say the least, Taylor is nearing four months and her little bump is growing with every day and getting harder to hide - although winter is helping with that for now. It's finals week so Karlie and Taylor have both been run off their feet, but they're just counting the seconds until they can stop hiding so much.

"Happy Birthday, my love," Karlie hums as she pulls Taylor into her arms, the younger girl laughing as she kisses Karlie's collarbone and cuddles into her, "it would be the perfect birthday if I didn't have a final in a couple of hours." Karlie shakes her head and kisses her cheek, "you know I can push it back if you need me to, the doctor said you had to take it easy, remember." Taylor shakes her head as she sighs, "no special treatment, Kar, and it's my last final - I'll be fine."

The one thing they know they can't be doing is showing special treatment and even if she is pregnant, Taylor can cope like everyone else, especially with this.

Karlie accepts Taylor's answer and simply kisses her cheek, "well, after today you're going to relax, I'm going to make sure of it." She has a load of marking to get done but that can wait until Monday, after they finish today she's giving Taylor her whole attention for the whole weekend. "If it was up to you, I'd never be out of bed," Taylor rolls her eyes as she laughs and Karlie strokes her fingers along the blonde's side, "I just want you to be safe, my love." Taylor is doing a lot better these last few weeks but Karlie is just as overprotective as ever.

"I should get up, I promised I'd study with Selena this morning," Karlie pouts and starts pressing kisses along her girlfriend's jaw, "I could always help you study, then you could stay here a little longer," the younger woman laughs as she wriggles away from Karlie's embrace, "i don't think I'd be getting much done if my study partner just wants to get into my pants." She straddles Karlie as she giggles and the older woman guides her into a kiss, "it's a good thing you're not wearing any then, isn't it?" Taylor kisses her one more time, "then it's about time you catch up."


"You're late," Selena glares at Taylor as she rushes towards the entrance and the blonde gives her an apologetic smile, "sorry, i urm, slept in." The two rush to Karlie's lecture hall, Taylor was meant to meet her to study but she got a little caught up with Karlie, making the two of them rush and end up late.

When they get there, Karlie is sat at her desk looking as if she wasn't even a second late and Taylor shakes her head to herself - her girlfriend always looks so effortlessly beautiful and collected which she finds a little unfair.

The professor runs them through what's going to happen and how long they have - something the students have become accustomed to by now. "Alright, you can begin," she gives them all a gentle smile, her eyes lingering on Taylor for just a second before she sits down at her own desk. She's a little concerned for her, the blonde can barely make it a couple of hours without the sickness catching up and it's yet to hit her this morning.

The first hour passes without issue, Karlie keeping a close eye on Taylor as she watches the class. She has to have a teaching assistant during finals so Dianna is hovering around too, both of them observing the stressed out group. Karlie still isn't keen on Dianna but she and Taylor seem to be making amends so she's giving her the benefit of the doubt for now.

"Professor..." Karlie's attention is redrawn as Dianna moves to her side and she looks in the direction that the younger woman is indicating. "I've got it," the teaching assistant is aware of the delicacy of the situation so she makes her way to Taylor who is very obviously not feeling well. "I'm fine, I need to finish this," she shakes her head but she's fighting the urge to throw up. "Priorities, Taylor," Dianna's voice is harsh as she kneels by the blonde, "you can resit a final, but you can't turn back if you sacrifice the health of you and your daughter."

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