31. A glimmer of light

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March 2nd 2020

After Taylor's little meltdown the other day, Karlie was overly worried about leaving the blonde alone. She spoke to Cara and Selena and they stayed with Taylor during the day until she could either pick her up or stay with her at her place. She's been sticking strictly to 9-5 like she's contracted and Taylor has been grateful for that, so once the older woman finished on Friday her weekend was reserved solely for Taylor.

"Are you going to be okay?" Cara and Sel are both busy today but it's Monday morning and Karlie has to go into work. "I'm fine, Karls, I promise," Taylor gives her a sad smile as Karlie perches on the edge of the bed, "Dianna is going to meet me at the parenting class and I think she's going to come back and sit with me till you're home," Karlie doesn't know how to help Taylor, but the one thing she can do is make sure she's not alone.

"You'll call me if you need anything?" Taylor nods in agreement as she grasps Karlie's chin, pulling the older woman into a soft kiss. "I'll be fine, I promise," the older woman accepts the answer and she leans down to kiss Taylor's bump, "kick your mommy every now and then to remind her we love her, okay?" Taylor rolls her eyes as she laughs and Karlie kisses her one more time, "I love you, both of you."

"We love you too, Karls," Taylor smiles at her as Karlie gets up, the older woman grabbing her stuff to head off to work. "Be good," Karlie calls out when she gets to the door, "yes ma'am." Taylor laughs, shaking her head as she rubs her bump, listening as the front door closes.

She hates how worried Karlie is about her, but she understands it and can't really fault her girlfriend. Taylor didn't even really realise just how lost and sad she was until she spoke to Karlie about it the other day, she'd just been pushing it down and acting as if it wasn't really significant.

"Mama's doing her best for us, sweetpea, I'm sorry you're growing in the sad mommy - I promise I won't be this way forever," she talks to her daughter as she feels her moving around - she just wants everything to go back, she misses waking up excited. These days she just wakes up already exhausted and anticipating another day of boredom and loneliness. "You're the best motivation I could ever have to be happy again, little one, you are my happiness," she knows the baby probably thinks she's crazy, but talking to her is a comfort when she's all alone.


After Karlie left, Taylor forced herself up out of bed and she got ready for the day. She doesn't have much energy these days, so getting ready for the day usually consists of sitting in the shower until she feels like she can get out and put on either leggings or sweatpants and one of Karlie's old college sweatshirts. She has more than enough of her own, but there's something comforting about wearing one of Karlie's, especially with her bump.

"No, don't worry about it Di, I'll be fine," her voice is soft but her stomach is in knots, "are you sure you'll be alright alone? I know how you feel about these classes?" Dianna has gone to most of the classes with her the last few weeks, but today something came up and she can't make it, meaning Taylor is going to have to go alone. "I'll be fine, I promise," she loves all of her friends and Karlie, but she hates them worrying about her. "Alright, call me if you need anything, okay?" Taylor nods to herself, "I will, I'll see you in a couple days."

The blonde isn't mad at Dianna, she's more nervous about the fact that she's going to have to face those stuck up moms on her own for the first time.

"Alright, Joey," she sighs as she scratches the dog's ear, "be good, I'll be home in a couple hours." She was just about ready to leave before Dianna called and she knows Karlie will just worry even more if she comes home and discovers that she didn't even try and go.

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