34. The delicate beginning rush

452 39 5

May 3rd 2020

"Karlie! Where's my girlfriend? I want Karlie!" Taylor is terrified and confused, strapped to a spinal board with a collar and unable to move as paramedics rush her into a hospital. She's in and out of consciousness, but when she's conscious her cries for Karlie are ignored and nobody will tell her anything.

"Nineteen year old female, thirty five weeks pregnant and semi-conscious. Pulled from an MVC." The paramedic goes on to list her vitals and whatever information they have, but the pain coursing through her body combined with the shock of the accident means Taylor is struggling to focus and she loses consciousness again.

They work around her, lifting her on the spinal board from the gurney to the bed and passing her over to the doctors.

"Miss, can you tell me your name?" Someone flashes a light in her eyes and she groans, her head hurts. "Taylor.." she mumbles as she tries to move, none of what happened tonight registering for her. "Alright, Taylor, we need you to stay still. We need to check on you and baby and find out if you were hurt in the accident, okay?" She's trying not to cry as she looks around, but all she can really see is the bright white lights above her head.

"My girlfriend, she was driving, I need to see her..." the doctor nods, "I will find out what I can, I'm not sure if she's been brought in yet. Once I know, you'll know, okay?" She agrees, thanking the doctor.

A nurse finds Taylor's ID in her purse and goes to pull up her records as the doctors work on her. She's terrified and all she wants is to know is that Karlie is okay. She needs Karlie to be okay.


Taylor's head and spine were both cleared. She did hit her head during the accident, so someone sutured the cut on her forehead and said neuro will be doing hourly checks. Luckily she made it out without any serious damage, but she still hasn't heard anything about Karlie.

"Taylor?" She looks up to the door as Addison comes into the room. They found her name and number in Taylor's records and called her. "Oh honey," she gives the young girl a sad smile, she's come to get to know the couple but mostly Taylor over the course of her pregnancy and she feels for the girl.

She grabs Taylor's chart and frowns, "has anyone had a look at the baby?" Taylor is still in shock and she just shakes her head, her hands planted firmly on her bump. "Why don't we check on her now, alright?" She wipes her tears as she nods and Addison pulls a portable ultrasound machine into the room from the hallway.

"Nobody's telling me anything about Karlie, I don't even know if she's..." she can't bring herself to finish that sentence, she can't stand the idea of losing Karlie. "I'll check on your baby and then see what I can find out, okay?" She nods as she moves the gown from her stomach, "thank you."

Her head feels so full but completely empty at the same time. She can't stop thinking but it's like the same thoughts are floating around and nothing is being processed.

"There's your little one," her attention is pulled back to Addison and she looks to the screen, a lump in her throat as she watches the little one moving around. "What am I going to do if we lose Karlie?" She shakes her head, "I'm not strong enough to do this without her." She bursts into tears and Addison gives her a soft smile as she sighs, "you're not going to lose her, Taylor. She's going to be totally fine and you're going to have a perfect little girl and raise her together, just like you planned before tonight."

Tonight went so well, it was such an important night for Karlie - and now it's all been destroyed.

"Let me go and see what I can find out for you," the doctor gives her a kind smile and Taylor nods, "is there anyone I can call for you?" She considers it for a second but shakes her head, "I don't wanna worry anyone until I know what's going on." She knows she should call Karlie's sister or one of her friends, but right now she can't even process it for herself without having to explain anything to anyone else. "I'll be back shortly," Addison gives her a comforting smile and Taylor thanks her one last time before the woman leaves the room.

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