13. Falling feels like flying till the bone crush

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October 11th 2019

Taylor is slacking. Before she met Karlie, she was an amazing student with the best grades but this time she completely forgot about her assignment that's due at midnight tonight.

"You really should've been more careful, sweetheart," the blonde is sat at Karlie's desk as she types - the professor curled up in the armchair as she works on her book, her deadline slowly creeping in. "I know that now," Taylor groans as she holds her head in her hands and Karlie laughs gently, the student breezes through her classes but apparently Music Theory is a different story.

The professor chuckles as she gets up, moving behind Taylor and rubbing her tense shoulders as the blonde sighs, sinking into Karlie's touch. "I should go back to my apartment, you're too much of a distraction," Taylor laughs, the feeling of Karlie's hands on her is enough to drive her mad. "I could be even more of a distraction if you need a break, little one," Karlie runs her hands down Taylor's body, humming in her ear as she spreads the blonde's legs. "Karlie, I really need to write this report," she laughs as she tries to stay focused but the professor smirks, "how many more words do you need to write?" She trails her fingers over Taylor's inner thighs as she coos, "five hundred."

She's halfway through and she's only got an hour left to get it done. "Well, how about a little motivation instead," she starts kissing the younger woman's neck as she runs her fingers over Taylor's covered core. "Kar..." she moans as she grabs Karlie's hand, the older woman making her more and more desperate by the second. "Good girl," the professor pulls away and stands back up straight, pretty turned on herself.

"Finish your report and I'll make you cum all night long," she kisses Taylor one last time before going back to her own seat, the student pouting as she watches Karlie sitting back down. There is nothing she wants more than to kneel between the woman's legs and worship her when she notices her semi-hard on in her shorts. "Eyes on your report, baby girl," Karlie raises an eyebrow as she watches Taylor and the blonde huffs, now she really needs to get it finished.


October 12th 2019

Taylor has never finished anything as quickly in her life. Karlie teased her consistently until she submitted the report, something she's very good at, and then she gave Taylor absolutely everything she wanted before they collapsed into each other and fell asleep.

"I need to run, are you going to be okay for a few hours?" Taylor agreed to study with Selena today but she'd much rather be there with Karlie instead. "We'll be fine, won't we?" Karlie hums as she scratches Joe's head, the dog lying in her arms as she stops in front of Taylor, "call me when you're done?" The blonde nods in approval as she stands on her tiptoes to kiss her girlfriend, "be good for Mama," she kisses Joe's head too and he barks, making the two giggle as she slips out of the apartment, leaving Karlie alone for the day.

Taylor made her way from Karlie's apartment to the coffee shop where she agreed to meet Selena, she's had a lot going on the last few weeks so she hasn't had as much time to study as she would like. "Hey you," Selena gets up to hug her as Taylor walks in and the blonde happily hugs her friend, "how are you, Sel?" She drops her bag on the floor by her feet as she sits down opposite the brunette, "pretty good, there was this awesome party last night, you totally should've been there." Taylor just nods as she grabs her book and Selena raises an eyebrow, "but since you weren't, how's Kloss?"

Selena has been wary about the situation since she found out and part of Taylor knows she's right but she's in love with Karlie and would do anything to make this work. "I'm happy, Selena," as strange as the situation with Karlie is there is no doubt that they're happy together. "I can see that, but you're a college student and she's your professor - something is going to come up eventually, Taylor." She's been in a bubble since meeting Karlie and that's fine and well but bubbles burst and Taylor is naive to think that things will stay perfect.

"We're not talking about it, but I will buy you some coffee so what are you having?" She changes the subject as she gets up and Selena sighs, she just wants to protect her friend because when reality hits it's going to hurt.


Selena dropped the subject eventually and Taylor was grateful, she much preferred studying and coffee to the quizzing of her relationship with Karlie. Selena was antsy to get to a party tonight though and Taylor was keen to get back to Karlie's so the two went their separate ways after a couple of hours.

"Hey Cara, is everything okay?" Taylor is sat on the subway when her phone starts ringing and she quickly answers the call from her friend, "yeah, where are your tampons? I've run out and I don't have time to run out and get any before work," the blonde frowns as she wracks her memory and then a striking realisation quickly hits her, "sorry, I urm, I haven't gotten round to buying more yet... maybe you could try Gigi? I gotta go.." she reaches her stop and quickly ends the call. Her box of tampons is still sitting unopened in Karlie's bathroom and she's only just realising now that she's late.

Her heart is thumping as she rushes up the steps, trying not to panic. There are so many explanations for this but her mind is running to the worst case scenario.

She basically runs to the nearest store when she gets off the subway, barging past people on the busy street but not caring a single ounce. Her mind won't stop racing until she knows, and by the time she gets a test and gets back to her apartment then Cara will be at work and she'll have some space to figure this out.

"Is this all for you today, kid?" The old woman is giving Taylor a look filled with judgement and she shrinks under her gaze as she squeaks a quiet confirmation.

She hides the test in her purse before starting her walk home, it's the wrong stop so it's a little further than usual since she was headed back to Karlie's apartment. She can't go back there, not like this. Their relationship is barely starting, what would Karlie think of her if she barges in announcing that she might be pregnant - she would probably hate her for ruining her life. Taylor can't risk that, she can't tell Karlie until she knows for sure if there's even anything to tell her.

She's so anxious as she unlocks her front door, her heart is still pounding against her chest and her tense energy seems to fill the whole apartment.

She double checks and then triple checks every room to make sure Cara is gone and then she goes into the bathroom, closing the door behind her and locking it - just to be sure. Taylor takes a second, standing in front of the mirror and inspecting her appearance - she doesn't have any other symptoms and with the number of dramatic changes in her life lately it would be weird if her hormones weren't a little screwed up, right? She can't be pregnant.

The blonde retrieves the pregnancy test from her purse and takes a deep breath - she wants to dump it and pretend she never even had the thought, but now that it's in her head she's never going to be able to stop thinking about it, she needs the answer.

Taylor stops thinking about it and just takes the test. The more she thinks, the more she worries and the harder she's making it for herself.

The teen takes the test and sets it down on the counter, washing her hands before setting a timer and sitting down on the ground. She has no idea what she's going to do if this test is positive - she's eighteen and she's dating her professor. There's no way Karlie wants kids right now, she's about to be published and she's trying to establish herself in the academic world - having a kid with one of your students doesn't exactly help someone's reputation.

She holds her head in her hands as she stares at the tiled floor - she just wants to go back to last night when her biggest worry was submitting her assignment on time, not whether she's about to ruin their lives.

"Please, God, don't make this test positive," she sighs as her timer goes off. She doesn't wanna get up, she doesn't even wanna exist much at the minute - all she really wants to do is fade out of existence and pretend none of this is happening. "I know I'm not exactly in your good graces, but I'll spend my whole life repenting if you please just do me this one favour." She stopped believing in a god years ago, especially after she lost her parents, but if it gives her any shred of hope then she'll take it.

Taylor pushes herself up off of the ground, her heart in her stomach as she leans against the counter - taking one last breath before she finds out if she's about to change her life forever.

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