26. A not so good first day

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January 26th 2020

"Are you sure you have to go back to work today?" Taylor pouts as she traces Karlie's abs, the older woman yawning as she laughs, "it's the first day back, baby, I don't have a choice." Taylor sighs and pushes herself up, facing her girlfriend as she crosses her legs, "I'm gonna be bored all day without you."

Karlie leans forward and kisses her girlfriend's bump, "it might not be too late to enrol for the semester?" Taylor decided to take the semester off because of the baby and how stressful her pregnancy has been so far, but she never actually considered what she was going to do when Karlie had to go back to work. "No, last semester was hard enough with this little one along for the ride, I need to focus on her for the next few months," Taylor sighs as she sinks back into her pillows and Karlie sits up too, "you could take less credits this semester and just take a little longer to graduate?"

Taylor shrugs as she watches Karlie, savouring every glance at her since they're going to be apart all day. "We're both forgetting that if anyone finds out about us, you could lose your job, Kar, and this little one doesn't make that much easier." Even if Taylor isn't in Karlie's classes, she has been in the past and that could harm both of their reputations.

"I'm looking for something new, baby, it's just a waiting game to find the right one," Karlie put feelers out when she found out Taylor was pregnant, but she doesn't wanna uproot their life, especially not at the minute, and all of the offers she's had have been from schools out of state. "I wish everything wasn't so complicated," Taylor sighs and Karlie takes her face gently in her grasp, "we will work through this, darling, and we will be stronger for it."

Taylor nods as she takes Karlie's hands and places them on her bump, taking a deep breath as she gives her girlfriend a warm smile, "okay, you can go to work today, but we will have this discussion again tomorrow morning." Karlie laughs as she pulls Taylor into a gentle kiss, "yes, ma'am."

Karlie gets up and tucks Taylor back up under the covers as her girlfriend laughs, "get some more sleep and text me when you wake up." The younger woman nods in agreement, pulling Karlie into one last kiss before letting her go to get ready for the day. Karlie disappears into the bathroom and Taylor sighs, pulling the covers down to unveil her bump, "it's just you and me today, ladybug."


Karlie survived the first half of the day with no problems, she didn't hear from Taylor until past eleven but that's not irregular for the blonde these days. Pregnancy has drained her energy on a totally different level than expected. So, while Taylor was sleeping, Karlie taught a couple of lectures and got through some paperwork she'd been avoiding - then it reached lunch, and Karlie feels like she's forgotten what she did before she met Taylor.

"Lily, hey, what's up?" She's going through her lesson plans as she eats alone in her office for the first time in months when her phone starts to buzz. "Hey, I was wondering if you and Taylor wanted to come to dinner tonight? Dixie has been asking to see you for ages," Karlie laughs as she sits her coffee cup down, "I'll need to check with Taylor, but I can pretty much say for sure that we'll be there - she's bored out of her mind at the apartment."

The blonde has been texting her since she woke up and she was feeling good until she had to walk Joe and the smell coming from some food cart made her sick. So she's been curled up in their bed with the dog ever since, trying to occupy herself with daytime TV.

"Have you seen him yet?" Since their run in on New Years, Karlie hasn't spoken to Derek. If he can't respect her relationship then she isn't interested in what he has to say. "No, and I don't want to. I want to get through today and then go home to my girlfriend, I don't want to hear what he's got to say."

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