10. What a sad sight

825 43 6

September 16th 2019

Karlie had finally gotten somewhere with Taylor, she was finally getting her to open up, and then one person showing up destroyed it all. When she got back to the apartment with Joe she didn't even get to explain the situation to Taylor, the blonde just rushed out of there - thinking God knows what - and hasn't spoken to her in days.

It's Monday now and Karlie has been anxiously waiting for her English Lit class since she got in. She just needs to know that Taylor is okay, she needs to explain.

"Your coffee, Miss Kloss," the TA comes walking into the room and Karlie gives her a soft smile as she thanks her. The girl has just been assigned to her but she doesn't necessarily appreciate it the way that other professors may, she likes her privacy when she works. "Can you go to the reception and pick up my mail, I forgot to grab it earlier," she's desperate to just be alone and she can feel the girl eyeing her up which is just frustrating her even more.

The girl leaves the room and Karlie sighs, looking to the clock as she realises her class is about to arrive. She gets up from her desk and and walks back out into the lecture hall, looking around as she realises a few people are already here.

Selena is unusually early and she doesn't look impressed when the professor appears in the room. Karlie gives her a stern look in response and the brunette eventually looks away. 

Karlie occupies herself with bringing up her slides and preparing for the class starting in a few minutes but her attention is redrawn as Taylor walks in. The blonde looks exhausted and weak and it shatters Karlie's heart to know that she's the reason for that.

"Are you okay?" Selena looks to her friend and Taylor gives her a weak smile, shes been a mess all weekend and she won't tell anyone anything but Selena has a feeling that their professor is the root of it.

The TA walks back into the room a few seconds later and shares a few words with Karlie as she hands the woman her mail. Taylor's eyes are immediately on them and as the blonde turns she feels her heart drop and she feels sick, "I can't be here right now," she mumbles the words to Selena as she grabs her bag again and gets up.

Karlie looks up as she notices Taylor and the TA's eyes follow as she's surprised to see the blonde again. Taylor's head starts to spin as she rushes out of the room and Karlie is the first to react as the colour drains from the young woman's face. "Taylor!" Dianna calls out as Karlie rushes to the fainting girl's side, catching her before she hits the ground. Karlie notes the blonde's recognition as she kneels down by Taylor's side. "Miss Gomez, call the office and ask for a first aider," her instructions are clear and Selena does as she's told and uses Karlie's phone to call for help.

"Miss Agron, move everyone to Marsden's lecture hall and have them catch up on assignments," Dianna is reluctant but Karlie's stern look tells her not to argue. The rest of her class exits the room as Karlie keeps Taylor in the recovery position, trying to hide how worried she is. "It's going to be okay, T, you're going to be okay," she brushes the blonde's hair back as she starts to regain consciousness, "stay right there, darling."

"They're sending someone," Selena is standing over Taylor with a terrified look and Karlie nods, "okay, I need you to go back to the rest of the class and tell Miss Agron that the rest of my classes for the day are cancelled." Taylor's brow furrows as she moans in pain, "dianna..." Karlie looks to Taylor again as her lips purse, "it's going to be okay, honey, just stay there for me." Selena watches the interaction for a minute and she notes the obvious worry and care for Taylor written all over the older woman's face. "I'll call and let you know how she is but you need to go, Selena," the teen nods and grabs her bag, "take care of her."

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