11. I'm all about you

816 41 4

September 19th 2019

"I'll see you at lunch, okay?" They're both smiling as they pull out of a kiss and Taylor nods, pecking the older woman's lips one last time, "yes, ma'am." Karlie chuckles as the blonde grabs her bag and hops out of the car, Karlie watching her until she gets to Selena who's waiting nearby. Taylor has been staying at her apartment the last few days so Karlie drops her off so that she can walk with Selena in the mornings for class, it's less suspicious than them arriving together.

Selena is smirking as she walks by her friend's side and Taylor rolls her eyes as she laughs, "what?" Selena just shrugs, "you're happy, it's nice to see." Taylor nods in agreement as she wraps her arms around herself, "I am, Karlie makes me happy." She still feels strange talking about her relationship with the professor, it feels so private and intimate that it's wrong to let the outside world in, it's like their own little bubble of happiness.

They make their way to campus and they don't actually have their first class together so she agrees to meet the brunette to go to their next lecture together and then they part ways.

Taylor has been doing well the last few days and Karlie is really proud of her, she's just hoping that it stays this way and it doesn't get bad again if they hit another bump. "Swift, where have you been?" She stops by the coffee cart before her class and Cara spots her on her way to her own, "I've been staying with a friend," she blushes as the barista hands her the coffee and Cara raises her eyebrows, "a friend, huh?" The Brit knows exactly who Taylor is talking about but she consistently teases the blonde.

"Do you ever plan on returning to your own flat?" Taylor rolls her eyes as Cara walks with her, "are you tracking where I spend the night now?" She laughs as she drinks her coffee and Cara shrugs, "I mean, you're the one paying half the rent for a flat you're rarely in." Cara isn't wrong, she's spent so much time with Karlie lately but the woman makes her feel safe, she's just lonely when she's at her own apartment.

Cara's building is close to where Taylor is headed so they blonde tells her she'll be home tonight and then they part ways again, Taylor going into her lecture as Cara goes to hers.


Karlie has been preoccupied with everything going on with Taylor and her sister, she's barely spent much time on her work. Aside from that, she had completely forgotten about her teaching assistant until she arrived this morning.

"Miss Agron, your services are being reassigned - you're now with professor David along the hall," Dianna had to stick around for the first part of the morning but Karlie knows that her being here when Taylor arrives isn't going to end well so she's been working on getting the younger woman reassigned all morning. "Can I ask why?" Karlie leans against her desk, raising her eyebrow as the woman questions her, "I don't need a teaching assistant, I prefer to work without distraction."

Dianna laughs as she shakes her head, "this is about Taylor, right?" Karlie's face remains neutral as she crosses her arms, "this is purely my professional preference." The younger woman walks over and stands in front of Karlie, "did she tell you how we know each other?" Karlie stays silent this time, whatever Taylor has or hasn't shared with her is none of Dianna's business. "We were in the same bible study, we were friends... until it was more than that. Nothing happened between us but there was a lot there, and then Taylor's mom found out and her mom told my mom. I lost my family too that day."

As much as hearing that anyone was disowned for their sexuality hurts her, she's on Taylor's side in everything. "I'm sorry to hear that but your relationship with one of my students is irrelevant to your reassignment, I simply have no need for you." Dianna realises that she's not going to win this one and she collects her things, "for what it's worth, Professor, I hope you know what you're getting into." The teaching assistant leaves and Karlie ignores Dianna's remark. Whatever Dianna and Taylor had was a long time ago, she knows Taylor and she knows that the blonde couldn't hurt anyone.

Her phone pings on the desk beside her and she sighs as she checks it, smiling to herself as she reads the message from Taylor. She knows it's new and risky, but the feelings she has for Taylor are undeniable - she loves her, and she'd do anything to make her happy.


Karlie's morning classes went well and Taylor made it through all of hers, but the highlight of her morning is collecting their coffee order and making her way to Karlie's office. She made a point of learning Karlie's coffee order by heart because it made her happy to see the look of happiness and surprise in Karlie's eyes when she brought it to her the first time, now it's become routine.

"There's my pretty girl," Taylor walks into the room with her bag hanging off of her shoulder and coffee in hand, "how has your morning been?" She mumbles the words as she pulls away from Karlie's lips and hands the professor her coffee, "brighter now." She smiles as the two sit down, Taylor taking a deep breath as she nervously eyes the food waiting on the table in front of them. "Salad and chicken breast, I promise it's not much," Taylor nods as she feels Karlie's eyes on her, she's so grateful for how understanding the older woman has been in all of this.

Karlie is eating the same as Taylor, hoping that it makes it easier for the blonde, and she keeps the conversation light. Taylor updates her on the conversation she had with Cara and Karlie keeps her interaction with Dianna to herself. She knows it would just stress Taylor out even more and she doesn't need that, not if she can help it.

"So, I noticed your laptop open this morning," Taylor's words peak her interest and Karlie raises an eyebrow as she looks to the blonde, "you write, you never told me about that." Karlie chuckles as she nods, "I always have, it's never been a serious thing." Taylor rolls her eyes at the professor, "what I read, it was good, you should give yourself more credit." Karlie is a private person and Taylor respects that, but Karlie has some real talent with words and she should embrace it. "I've been writing a book," she meets Taylor's eyes, "I've been working on it for a few years, I didn't have much inspiration until lately."

Her insinuation makes Taylor blush and Karlie smirks as she shakes her head, she's had a way of making Taylor blush since day one. "Do you think you'll ever publish?" Taylor changes the subject and Karlie shrugs as she swallows her mouthful of food, "I would like to one day, but I don't know." Karlie's self depreciation makes Taylor frown, "you're amazing, Karls, anyone would be lucky to publish your work." Karlie's shy blush is a surprise to Taylor but she loves that she can have that affect on the older woman, "thank you, baby," she leans over to press a kiss to Taylor's cheek.

The pair finish their lunch and for Taylor it's a huge accomplishment but Karlie quickly learnt that it just makes it harder for the blonde to draw attention to it. "Are you sure you'll be alright alone tonight? You know you can always stay with me," Karlie pushes a curl back behind Taylor's ear and the blonde chuckles, "I should at least spend one night in the apartment that I'm paying for." Karlie nods and Taylor melts under her gaze, Karlie always makes her feel so loved and cared for, even just in the way she looks at her. "Well if you do want some company then you know I'm just at the other end of the phone and there's always space for you in my bed," Karlie smirks, she likes having Taylor around, the apartment feels empty without her these days.

"There might not be space for you once Joey and I kick you out," Karlie chuckles as Taylor kisses her and the professor just shakes her head as pulls away, "you'd be crawling back into my arms before the night was over." Taylor is super cuddly at night but Karlie doesn't mind it, the younger woman is always cold and she's glad her existence as a human radiator can finally go to good use. "Fine, but just because the dog doesn't give cuddles as good as yours," Taylor rests her head in the crook of Karlie's neck and the older woman kisses her forehead, laughing gently to herself. She's wrapped right around Taylor's little finger.

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