14. We took a wrong turn

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October 14th 2019

"Taylor?" There's a knock on her door and she sighs into her pillow, "what?" She groans as Cara opens the door and walks into her bedroom. "You've been in bed since Saturday and you're usually gone by now," the Brit sits down on the end of the bed, observing the blonde as Taylor pushes herself up, leaning against the headboard, "did you and Kloss get into a fight or something?" Taylor pulls her sleeves down over her hands as she sighs, "not exactly, I just needed some time to think," the student frowns as she hugs her knees to her chest. "To think about what?" Cara furrows her eyebrows as she tries to read the expression on her friend's face, and Taylor sighs as she meets Cara's eyes, "I'm pregnant."

She hadn't said those words out loud until just now and it makes it all a lot scarier. "Holy shit, Taylor," the blonde just nods as Cara takes in the news, that's how she's felt for the last day or so. "Does Kloss know?" She shakes her head just as her phone pings with a text from Karlie, "it's so complicated, I have no idea what to do." She's been obsessing over every what if since she found out but she's still so conflicted. She answers Karlie's text and lets her know that she's still not feeling 100% and is going to take the day off - she's not ready to face her, not yet.

"You're only eighteen," Taylor sighs again as she nods, "believe me, whatever you're thinking has already gone through my head a thousand times." There isn't a possible scenario that Taylor hasn't already thought of, good or bad. "I have nobody, Cara, Karlie is the closest thing I have to family - if I don't have her then I'm alone," she's so scared that this is way too fast, that one day in the not so far away future Karlie might wake up and realise that this was all a big mistake.

Cara gives her a sad smile, she doesn't know a lot about Taylor's past but she knows enough. "She's not all you have now though, is she?" Taylor gives an exasperated laughs as she frowns, "yeah I guess you're right." This baby is the only living family she has, but she doesn't know if that's enough for her to sacrifice everything.


Cara had to go to class so Taylor ended up alone, still trying to figure out what on earth she's going to do. She promised Karlie she would be fine on her own and she's managed this far - she hasn't decided what she wants but she does know that she doesn't want to take any risks either way.

Karlie has been on edge all day, Taylor going radio silent for two days and this morning's text made her nervous and she knows the blonde is probably fine but after everything she can never be sure. That's why she asked Selena to go over there when she gets some free time, she gave her the information that Taylor gave Karlie - Selena saying that there's probably nothing more to it, but the younger woman knew that if Karlie was asking her then she must be worried for a reason.

Taylor is sat in the kitchen eating a sandwich when the buzzer goes, not able to stomach much more than that right now - although she's not sure if that's the pregnancy or her anxiety. She gets up and wanders through the apartment to check the door, sighing when she realises it's Selena, knowing that Karlie sent her.

"Hey Sel," she buzzes her in and then waits at the door, Taylor looking exhausted as she leans against the doorframe in sweats and one of Karlie's college hoodies. "Kloss is worried about you, and by the look of you I think she was right to be," the brunette frowns as she follows Taylor into the apartment, "I'm fine, Sel, and I did text her this morning telling her the same."

Taylor goes back inside and Selena follows her, sinking into the couch beside her friend as Taylor curls up. "So, why did she send me over here? Did you two fall out again?" Taylor sighs, she already went through all of this with Cara. "I'm pregnant," she cuts straight to the point, there's no use tiptoeing around it. "I told you so," the brunette shrugs and Taylor rolls her eyes, whacking the other girl with a cushion, "not helpful, Sel." She can't say that her friend is wrong, she said that something would burst their bubble. "Karlie doesn't know and I don't know what I wanna do." She answers the questions that are inevitably about to come out of her mouth and Selena nods, "so you're just hiding from her?"

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