19. You pull me in and I'm a little more brave

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November 12th 2019

"Cara, have you seen my cell?" Taylor sighs as she rushes around, moving cushions and magazines and searching every surface. "You left it on the counter," the Brit hands it to her and Taylor sighs, "thanks." She's at peak stress level today because she has her twelve week appointment this morning and then she's having coffee with Dianna later since Karlie has a faculty dinner to go to.

"Are you feeling alright?" Taylor gives an exasperated laugh as she pulls on her coat, "I feel like I'm going to throw up but that's nothing new," she's so eager for the first trimester to be over, everyone says that it gets better after the twelve week mark and she couldn't be more excited for that. "I need to go and just hope that I can make it through the day." Karlie is picking her up soon so she needs to go, "good luck," Cara laughs and Taylor just sighs as she tells her she'll see her later.

When she gets downstairs, Karlie is already parked and waiting so she gets in, smiling warmly as she greets her girlfriend. They share a quick kiss and Karlie gives Taylor a concerned smile as she laughs, "are you okay, darling?" Taylor just laughs as she nods, "I was rushing around before I came down, we're all good," she smiles as she smooths her hand over her dress - she made a bit more effort today than she's had the energy to lately. "You're starting to pop, Teff," Karlie smiles as she strokes Taylor's bump, the blonde smiling back - if anyone else commented on her body it would bother her but Karlie knows and loves every inch of her, especially now since it's the body that's carrying their child.

Karlie starts driving and Taylor settles into the seat beside her, "any last guesses?" Karlie's wearing her key confident smirk as she looks over and Taylor laughs, glancing down to her hand as it rests on her bump, "I have no idea," she shakes her head, she changes her mind every ten minutes, "I know everyone says it, but I really don't care - boy or girl or whoever they decide to be in the future, we'll love them the same." Karlie smiles as she nods, taking Taylor's hand and squeezing it tight, their kid is going to be loved unconditionally no matter what.

Karlie has been pretty good at keeping her anxieties about this whole thing to a minimum - she knows how anxious Taylor is so she needs to be the rock, she needs to be strong for the three of them. Although, things like appointments make her really on edge - the possibility of something maybe being wrong and sending their world spinning even further out of control, it terrifies her.

"Madame," when they arrive, Karlie gets out and walks around the car to open Taylor's door, the blonde shaking her head with a small smile as she takes her girlfriend's hand. "You look very professional today," she observes Karlie's appearance fully now that she's out of the car and the pencil skirt, white blouse and pinned back hair give off a vibe that Karlie doesn't go for often - even if it does look hot as hell. "We have donors coming into our lessons today because of tonight's dinner," Karlie doesn't look too impressed by that and Taylor gives her a soft smile, "you'll do great, you're amazing at your job."

She squeezes Karlie's hand tight as they walk into the doctor's practice, both of them a mix of nervous and excited. A nurse leads them back to the exam room and Taylor takes a deep breath as she tells her she needs to take a little blood and then she'll have to give a urine sample too. Taylor knows this is what the next six months is going to look like and she definitely doesn't like it but she knows it's what she's gotta do to keep their little one healthy.


"I'm nervous," Taylor sighs as she looks over to Karlie, the nurse left them after taking her samples and then Doctor Montgomery came in to do her exam, now she's gone to arrange an appointment for her with their dietician and to collect her test results. "I am too," Karlie laughs lightly as she squeezes Taylor's hand - knowing the gender means that they can really picture the future and start planning and that makes it all so real and scary.

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