4. I know that it's delicate

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September 2nd 2019

Taylor has been a nervous wreck since her conversation with Karlie this afternoon, and the blonde has been fretting over every minute detail of her outfit, wanting to impress the woman. She doesn't know why she's trying so hard, it's not like they haven't already spent time together or seen each other naked.

Given that she just moved out here for college, Taylor doesn't have much formal clothing with her, so eventually she settled on a modest red dress with a high neckline and a skirt that rests just above her knee. She keeps her hair down and straightens the curls to let her hair rest over her left shoulder and her bangs sit in a straight line above her eyebrows.

"Alright, what's the emergency?" Cara was her first port of call after the events of the day and her roommate returns back to find Taylor an anxious mess. "The woman from the bar was one of my professors," she stops dead in her tracks, looking the Brit straight in the eyes as she tries to stop her panic but Cara just bursts out laughing. "She's taking me to dinner," the blonde frowns as she flops down on the bed and Cara sits down beside her, "you don't like to make things easy for yourself, do you Swift?"

Taylor has no idea if she's making a smart choice by going on this dinner date, she doesn't even know if it is a date. "Do you think going to dinner with your professor is really a great idea?" Cara raises an eyebrow at her friend As Taylor sighs and moves to the mirror, the blonde sighs as she smooths her dress, "we're both adults and anyway, it's just dinner," from the conversation with Karlie earlier, Taylor knows this could lead to much more than just dinner, but really, she wants it to go that way. Karlie is perfect in every form of the word and the younger blonde is so enchanted by her. She has a strange control over Taylor that she just can't explain.

"I should go, it's seven," she wears a nervous smile as she grabs her purse from the bed. Taylor knows Cara is probably right but she also knows that she has this connection to Karlie that she can't really explain.

The young blonde walks out of her building to immediately spot the black Mercedes parked outside. The door opens before she even reaches the bottom of the stairs and the sight of Karlie in a fitted black suit makes a lump form in her throat.

"You look beautiful tonight, Taylor," the older woman wears a confident smirk as she leans against her car and her gaze makes Taylor break into a blush, "thank you, I don't even have words for how.. For this.. For you," she stumbles as she tries to find the right words in her brain and Karlie's breathy laugh makes her eyes dart to the ground.

The older woman smiles warmly as she lifts Taylor's chin with her fingers, "thank you, honey." The butterflies in Taylor's stomach turn into a whole zoo and the blonde gives Karlie a nervous smile in return. "Are you ready to go?" Taylor nods so Karlie steps to open the door for the smaller girl to get in and Taylor squeaks a small "thank you," as she closes it again.

The teenager can't hide her nerves, but she can't deny the excitement bubbling in the pit of her stomach either. "Open the glove box," Karlie's voice pipes up as she drives and Taylor raises a questioning eyebrow but does as she's told, "wh-where did you find this?" She falls over the words as they leave her mouth and she holds her journal in her hands, looking to the older woman for answers. "You left it on your desk, don't worry, I haven't read it," Taylor is so picky about who even gets to acknowledge the existence of her journal, so Karlie finding out about it so soon makes her a little nervous, but she trusts the kindness in the taller blonde's eyes when she says she didn't read it.

"Thank you, not everyone is as considerate," a wave of memories hits the blonde like a tonne of bricks and Karlie spots the change in the younger girl as Taylor's eyes divert to the side window and her face is out of Karlie's line of sight.

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