36. I wish you would come back

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- five years later -

"Mama, come on!" Linnea calls to Karlie as she stands in the patio doors watching the little girl in the garden. "I'm coming, bug," she laughs, sitting her coffee cup on the counter before going out into the summer sun to play with her daughter.

Her book was a huge success and Karlie continued to excel at her job, earning a higher salary as the years passed, so Linnea got the bigger bedroom in a house with a big backyard for her to run around in, just like Taylor always insisted she would need. The little one soared through her development even in spite of the potential long term health risks from her premature birth and low birth weight, and she continues to grow and thrive every day. She's an incredible little girl.

"Can you push me, mama?" She reaches the little girl as she sits in her swing and Karlie kisses the little blonde on the top of her head, "of course I can, sweetheart." The woman pulls the swing back as Linnea holds on tight, giggling her little head off as Karlie pushes her high and makes her feel like she's flying.

Karlie has treasured the last few years. She never thought she would be a mom, but Linnea changed that. Taylor gave her the greatest gift she could've ever asked for and she's forever grateful for that. Linnea is smart and strong and bubbly - she's everything that Karlie fell in love with when she met Taylor.

"Wait, wait, pause for a second," Karlie laughs as she stops the swing, her phone ringing in her back pocket. "Hello?" She keeps laughing as she answers, "hey, do you wanna do dinner tonight?" Karlie rolls her eyes as she smiles, "is Jason out of town again?" Martha rolls her eyes too on the other end of the line, "maybe, but Emmy misses Nea and I could use some adult company," Karlie gives an exasperated laugh as she sighs, "I know how you feel."

She looks down to Linnea who is waiting paitently in her swing, "do you want Auntie Marty and Emory to come over tonight, ladybug?" Linnea jumps up as she nods, grinning wider than ever, "yes please, mama! It's been forever!" Karlie pushes curls out of Linnea's face as she smiles, "I'll order the pizzas."

This isn't an unusual occurence for them. Martha had Emory when Linnea was one and even despite the age gap, the two have been best friends their whole lives. "We'll see you in ten," Martha smirks to herself as she ends the call and Karlie just shakes her head. They live five minutes from Martha and ten from Lily and Jourdan, so the kids are always around each other and the women are always there if Karlie needs them.

"Alright, bug. Why don't you go inside and clean up, you and Emmy can play in your room until dinner," Linnea agrees, so Karlie watches as the little girl runs up the garden and into the house. She's an amazing kid - she's gentle and kind and respectful, she rarely misbehaves and always wants to hang out with her mama. Karlie couldn't have asked for a better kid.

She soon follows, going inside and locking the back patio doors behind her before ordering a couple of pizzas. Usually these nights end with the kids passing out during a movie and Karlie and Martha spending most of the evening catching up. They're both busy so take every opportunity they get to catch up like they used to.

"Hey," she smiles as she opens the door, Emory wrapping her arms around her aunt's legs before Karlie can pick her up to hug her properly, "you've gotten so big, Em!" She teases the little brunette who shakes her head, "I'm still little!" She gives an animated protest and both women simply smile, "you're right, honey, my mistake," Karlie kisses her cheek, "Linnea's in her room, you can play until dinner, alright?" Emory is obsessed with her cousin and immediately agrees, so Karlie puts her back down on the ground and Martha takes her daughter's shoes and coat before they let her run off.

Martha follows Karlie to the kitchen, the taller woman going to make them both some coffee as Martha sits, observing her friend floating around the room from her place at the kitchen table. "How have things been?" Karlie can hear the concern in her voice and shakes her head, looking back to her friend, "Linnea is amazing, I'm doing well at work and I have her and I'm writing another book. I promise, we're good."

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