Prologue: Shadow -Fired Up

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I continued my walk, thinking the same things as always. 

She never told me she was going to leave...

It's been a year... A year to be misunderstood, misinterpreted, and a year to miss someone worth every word.


I look up to the trees as some bird mocks someone crying, as it flies from each tree to another. I'm half tempted to put it out of it's misery.


In the past six months, I gave up trying to pretend everything was fine. I gave up hiding an angered blaze inside. 

I began to avoid the others, as I lost my vision of what our goal was. I've become nothing but a memory to my Freedom Fighter name. All because of Cam...


I see the exit of the grove, just a few hundred feet away from where I stand.

I'm just about to continue on my way, until there's a little back ground noise.

I turn around a little bit. "Hello?"


"Anyone there?"

Again, silence.

I go to turn, but the quiet is broken. 

"I know you're out there." I mutter. "It's alright, I'm leaving." 

The sound continues, following me.

I simply fold my ears back, giving acknowledgement that yes, I know they're there, but I'm not going to giving them much more attention than that.

 They continue to follow, but their speed increases.

I walk a little quicker, and brisker, in effort to avoid a conflict that may come about this.

They suddenly stop.

So do I. Just as I turn to see them or what made them stop, I knocked off my feet.

"What the hell?!!" I hiss. "Who the hell do you think you a-" I suddenly stop myself, seeing what really did take me down. I feel every spark of that blaze slowly extinguish, as the world stops, and my head spins. "You're..."

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