Chapter 3: Shadow -More Than A Name...

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A/N: Heeeey!

Kay, so, I know I haven't been on for a while... It's kinda been hard. With school and all. Couple dumb children think I'm blind and deaf. I only wish... They seem to enjoy the idea a kid who looks like me can't be the best kid in math. So, what do they do? Discriminate and make fun of me only when I look at them. -___-" Normally, I can fight it, but this is first thing, every morning. It takes a little outta ya... Thankfully though, I have my dance right after. I love dance. X3 So, I can sorta keep going... But um... yeah. I just thought you may wanna know what it's been so long for me to post. I'm normally done a chapt every day... I've just been dancing it off, so, I think I'm kewl now...

Well, 'teva!

Enjoy this chapter!!

Shadow -More Than A Name... :


I sat down on my couch. Still nothing on her...

The news had a story on the other Fighters... Hedgehogs and such that have become irrelevant to me.

When I even tried to bring up the missing Camilla to 'em, they blew me off like nothing. They said she probably went home. And they left it at that.

I know she never went home... She was so happy when I left. Dammit, I never should of left... My fault she's not here...

I decide a walk could allow me a little more peace than memory.


"Shadow!" I hear the Faker.

"What, Blue." I make it obvious that I want to be left alone.

"I was just wanting to talk..." His tone becomes a little hurt as he stops running, to walk among my side.

"I don't want to, Faker." I clench a fist I'm about to use.

"Shadow, we were all wondering if you were coming back..." Sonic lowers his ears a small bit.

I left the Freedom Fighters months ago, wanting nothing to do with them. "I don't know..."

"But, Shadow..."

"I don't know, Sonic!" I snap at him.

He pauses. "Back at the clean up, after the storm. I left you and Silv to finish the tree-house. And you mentioned being with a girl."

I pull my ears back, knowing my fists are going to meet a jaw.

"She was Cammie, wasn't she?" His tone is hard not to snap back at.

"Yes..." I mutter. "But do you think that matters now?!"

"Shad... I'm sorry we never took your word... If you want, I can see what I can do here, but..." He's fishing.

"No." I glare at him. "I don't need your help. And I won't ever."


"Leave, Blue. I'm warning you."

"You're more than your name. You've become a shadow, Shadow..." And he takes off. The end.


I stand at a small pond, looking back at the red eyes I see.

"You've fulfilled your name, Shadow Hedgehog. Congratulations." I mutter to the reflection. "Lose Maria, now Camilla. And no one gets it..."

What the hell does Sonic know?! He takes it all for granted. One girl chases him, the other obviously wants to be more than friends, and all he does is treat them like children. As if they were his little sisters.

And then, you know, there's me. Who everyone avoids, or asks the same stupid questions. 'What was it like on ARK?' or, 'Miss Maria?' or even, 'What do you do without your best friend, Shadow?'

My clenched fist hits a tree, making a crackling echo run through the valley. Now what do you do, Shadow? Is my only question now.

I turn around and stare into a thicket of old, dead, twisted, creepy trees. Where owls call and birds mock cries of frightened souls.

"How nice..." I growl, noticing it's blocking my route.

Guess I gotta take it.


Just as I take my first step in, there's a small voice that's telling me this is what I should be doing.

"Why..?" I ask myself. "Why the hell is it right, and why the hell am I talking to myself?" Granted, I've been doing that for a long time...

Maybe I've finally lost it. My sanity, and my reason to breath...


I continued my walk, thinking the same things as always.

She never told me she was going to leave...

It's been a year... A year to be misunderstood, misinterpreted, and a year to miss someone worth every word.


I look up to the trees as some bird mocks someone crying, as it flies from each tree to another. I'm half tempted to put it out of it's misery.


In the past six months, I gave up trying to pretend everything was fine. I gave up hiding an angered blaze inside.

I began to avoid the others, as I lost my vision of what our goal was. I've become nothing but a memory to my Freedom Fighter name. All because of Cam...


I see the exit of the grove, just a few hundred feet away from where I stand.

I'm just about to continue on my way, until there's a little back ground noise.

I turn around a little bit. "Hello?"


"Anyone there?"

Again, silence.

I go to turn, but the quiet is broken.

"I know you're out there." I mutter. "It's alright, I'm leaving."

The sound continues, following me.

I simply fold my ears back, giving acknowledgement that yes, I know they're there, but I'm not going to giving them much more attention than that.

They continue to follow, but their speed increases.

I walk a little quicker, and brisker, in effort to avoid a conflict that may come about this.

They suddenly stop.

So do I. Just as I turn to see them or what made them stop, I knocked off my feet.

"What the hell?!!" I hiss. "Who the hell do you think you a-" I suddenly stop myself, seeing what really did take me down. I feel every spark of that blaze slowly extinguish, as the world stops, and my head spins. "You're..."

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