Chapter 9: Us: A Little Light

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This actually didn't take that long... BUT!! GUESS WHAT GUYS!! X3 We get to have the POV this time. It's like we are in the story. I sound like a kindergarten teacher... Aye. ANYHOW!! XDD It's kinda cute. :P 

Enjoy guys. ♥


Shadow sat back watching Cam's image fade away. Such beauty, only to last mere few minutes... Such a shame.

"SHADOW!!" Sonic yells.

Damned Blue... The black and red hedgehog thought, unamused

"WHAT?!" He yells back.


Is he retarted?! A thought that crosses everyone in Knothole's mind.

The darker hedgehog walks down the tunnelish ways to meet the 'faker' eye to eye. "What the hell is wrong with you? Another explosion scramble your brain more?"

"Hey! That's mean!!" Sonic fake whines.

"What are you? 3?" Shadow glares at him. 


"ACT YOUR AGE, AND NOT YOUR DAMN SHOE SIZE!" Knuckles sounds pissed.

"I think Sonic's gone crazy without running..." Tails mutters.

"I CAN HEAR YOU!!" Sonic screams between the three of them, making them all cover their ears. "I WAS JUST TRYNA LIGHTEN THE MOOD AND ADD A LITTLE HUMOR HERE!! I'M SORRY!!!"

"STOP YELLING AT US!!!!!!!!" Shadow perposly yell in his ears.


"Finally." All the girls sigh.

"So," Shadow mutters loud enough to get everyone's attention. "Cam has the culprit right now, and she's wearing him down."

"How so?" Rouge asks, making him cringe in memory.

"Don't ask. Anyhow, once she gets him, we take over from that point. Rebuild, possibly fight Egg... The usual."

"Alrighty." Silver notes. "But doesn't normally Sonic talk to us about stuff like this, rather you?"

"It's okay~! Shadow's finally coming back!!" Sonic squeals.

Damn hedgehog hugs me? Shadow thought.

"Blue, get the hell off, or I will Chaos Blast you into one hell of a bloody mess. Legit."

He doesn't.

"Ugh." Shadow sigh. He can't even Chaos Control out of this.

The others begin to snicker and giggle.

"Sonic, really. Or else I'm gonna tell a nice story of you in Highschool."

Sonic immeadiatly releases him, knowing he could bring up anything he wanted.

"OOOOO~ Shadow got some stories to tell!" The girls giggle.

"NO YOU DON'T!!" Sonic yells over us all, blushing like mad. 

"Again with the screaming... And what even ever happened if you're gonna blush like that?" Shadow smirks.

"Ummmmm...." Sonic looks around. "Nothing..."

"I'm so sure." Knuckles laughs. "I'll figure this out."

Shadow laughed and return back to his corner. Maybe that was a good laugh, but inside, he would have rather kept on with Cam...


 ~~~**Shadow's Dream**~~~

Camilla yawned softly, resting her head on Shadow's shoulder.

"You should get some sleep." Shadow laughed gently,putting an arm around her.

Camilla shook her head in silent decline. "I don't wanna move."

A sly smile crossed Shadows face as he gained an idea. 

Before Camilla could even ask, he moved swiftly, picking her up, careful not to harm her more than she was.

Camilla laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Shadow took her into the guest room of his house, which has seemingly become Camilla's residence.

Camilla continued giggling as Shadow rested her on her bed as softly as possible.

Shadow kept his smile as he slipped out of Camilla's hold. "Go to sleep now." His warm breath tickled her ear.

Camilla yawned again, slowly giving in. "I'm not that tired..." She whispers as careful hands pull the blankets up to her chin, tucking her in safely. "When are you going to stop treating me as a child?" One of her ears flick back, half joking, partially serious.

"When you stop arguing with me, and you're no longer in trouble." Shadow's smirk gains a small hint of affection.

"Not my fault..." Camilla gives a tired defense as Shadow clicks off the lamps lighting the room, then kneels next to her.

"I know, Cam." As usual, the hard crimson eyes everyone knows, turn softer. But only when he speaks about or to someone he really cares about. "Just a little longer and it'll be finished."

"I hope." One blue eye opens to meet the crimson.

"We." He corrects her as she nuzzles deeper into her pillow. "Don't count me out." His hand lightly brushes her hair and down her back.

Camilla sighs deeply, closing her eyes again. 

"Thatta girl..." Shadow murmurs, resting his hand against her face.

"Again, I'm not a child." Camilla chuckles a response.

The same affectionate smile appears in the dark. "Good night, Cam."

Just as Shadow leaned down to kiss Camilla's cheek, then leave her to sleep. 

However, Camilla seemed to need to prove a point.

Shadow was at first shocked that; instead of the soft skin he expected to feel under his peck, he found another pair of lips. But these one's were softer, more delicate. It took a second before he realized what happened.

Now, if you could have seen in the dark, you would have seen the look on Camilla's face as she was creating her plan. And for the time that the plan would have come into play, was only a mere few seconds. So, Camilla was a decent strategist. Possibly, the best there is.

Shadow then gave way, allowing his walls to come down, as Camilla pulled him a little closer.

They kept each other close through those moments that felt like lifetimes. Those moments had them forget their pasts that never mattered, and forget those things they wished they could. It was that moment that suddenly changed everything the existed between them.


Shadow smiled as he lay beside Camilla that night. 

Camilla simply lay against Shadow, as he gave her a sense of safety.

~~~XXShadow WakesXX~~~

Shadow looked unimpressed at first then small regret filled those crimson eyes. 

I only wish... He thought. 

There were many things Shadow wished to say to Camilla, but he never did say them.

He had many chances. Especially when she lived with him... But again, he didn't.

Now, a small lust began to poison his mind, not allowing him to sleep at night.

But maybe, this dream, would lead him somewhere. Possibly the future...?

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