Chapter 5: Drake -A Good Story

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I hope this explains to you how creepy Drake really is. I make a lot of horror type characters in my other writings, that I shall not post. :P This guy isn't quite close to them though.



I returned home. Without Camilla.

I take down a thick book, with old styled calligraphy writing on the cover. 'Camilla' It reads.

It was the book I took for Fate. Camilla's book. So I could take a turn and write her story.

However, it seems she has taken charge and now, she writes her book. On her own...


June 13, 1996. Camilla Jane Gazer is born at 12:13am, weighing 8lbs, 10 oz. 

December 19, 1996. Camilla begins to walk and build her vocabulary.

I read the captions, as the spaces above on each page, show small little videos. First being a tiny, lively baby girl squirming about, wrapped in a blanket, only a mere few minute old. The second being that same little girl walking about a Christmas themed home talking to herself.

I flip ahead to today.

January 13, 2013. The Mobian Camilla begins her first day after escaping Drake, and is destined to return to Fate today.

I stare at the image, mesmerized by Camilla's beauty... Her hourglass figure, extremely hypnotizing. Her voice, oh so seductive.

I need her back.

A sly smile crosses my face as my plans come into scheme.

Camilla is a smart and beautiful girl... No wonder she has Shadow's heart.

But, Shadow, he isn't fitting for sweet Camilla. Nope. Not ever.

I must have her back. For me.

After I get her back, we shall return to Fate ourselves, and then... Well, we'll see where to move from there.

But the flaws in such a plan haunt me.

How, exactly, do I get rid of Shadow this time? Now that he probably has an idea of what happened to Camilla first time 'round, he's not gonna let her out of his sight for very long...

Well, a minor bump in the road shouldn't beak the car... Especially when the drive is a genius with the girls Life Book.


I pace in my study. 

How can I do this? 

Simply take her? No... Meet her at Fate? Naw... Get rid of Shadow himself, then become him, eventually to reveal that Shadow was Drake all along? Good enough lie and plan... 

My demonic grin reappears. "So, Camilla finds it safe with Shadow, eh? Interesting story there.... I may just have to add a twist into that one."

I look into the mirror on the hall wall. 

I daringly stare into the black hedgehogs green eyes as he changed.

Quills stared to curl, eyes kept changing color, and streaks were added on.

"Now," I smile at a certain copied image. "Shadow and Drake are one and but the same."

A little trick I call 'Mocking-Jay'. I copy voice and image. Easy as pie.


"Shadow." I smirk as I watch him walk later in the night. "Odd you left sweet Camilla."

"Who the hell are you?!" He glares in my direction.

"That is not of your concern, dear boy. Where is Camilla?"

He growls. "That's none of your concern."

"Oh, but it is." I smile, stepping out of the shadows to reveal my image. "If it concerns you, it concerns me to."

"But... You... Me..." He stammers.

"Yes, I look like you." I stare him down, daringly taking a few steps.

Another growl is omitted from his lips.

"Come on, Shadow. Dare ya." I smile.

Just as he pounces at me, I grab his wrist to twist him behind me and give him the injection I concocted to knock him out for 72 hours.

His body falls limp on the ground. 

"Perfect." I snap my fingers, using magic to send him to a cave beyond even Fate's knowledge of borders.


I couldn't find Camilla at Shadow's. So, Fate was my place to be.


"Shadow." A few dragons gasp as I slam the dungon's door on Kie, locking the lead dragon in.

"Nope." I change back.

"Drake?!" They're all in shock as Sethlar's speaker is remembered among the crowd.

"Yes. Now, seen as she isn't here either..." I scan for the absent Camilla. "I will begin here." The same grin I've come to love appears on my face again. 

Mobius is mine. As is Fate, Earth, the dragons, the humans and Mobians. And especially Camilla...


I make it obvious. I am now in charge. All the dragons are caged unless the help around here. So, I got no help.

Th old library with all the life books is my residence.

And it will be Camilla's when she returns. I just need to find out where from.

She may have simply returned back to Earth for good. Oh well, if that's the case. But she wouldn't have left Shadow. Or me...

"Whisper!" I kick her cage door. "Where is she?"

"Who?" She asks innocently.

"Camilla!" I demand for an answer.

"She's alive?!" She gawks at me.

"Yeah! Don't play dumb with me, ya lizard! Where is she?!"

"I-I don't know..." The shy little dragon cowers in the far corner.

She is obviously telling the truth, sadly. She doesn't know. "Hmph." I grunt, leaving here again.

Where the hell are ya, my girl? Can't wait to get you back, babe. I smile at the little prayer and wish I send her. 

She will be mine...

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