Chapter 8: Camilla -And We Begin

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I flew threw the dawn lit sky.

This morning I made sure Shadow gto to Knothole, and the I have to leave myself, to use a few.... tricks on Drake.

I know he wants something from me. He wants it almost as much as he wants power...

Disgusting perv...


I smile when I enter Fate. This is where it begins...

I admit, the look from copied crimson eyes made me uneasy. Nauseous even. But that wasn't about to stop me.

"Camilla!" Drake is in the copied form of Shadow, of course.

"Shads!" I've hated acting, always. But now I gotta. No choice.

"I've been looking for you everywhere."

"Mhmm..." Just get to what you want, ya bo-zo...

"Cam, I must admit, there's something, I ought to tell ya..." He rubs his neck, uneasily and awkwardly. 

"What...?" I shift from my Lethia form to Mobian. "You can tell me anything, you know."

He sighs. "Cam..." He shifts back to being Drake. "It's a long story..."

I pretend to gawk in disbelief. "What...?"

"Come." He ushers me into Kie's den.

"Where are the dragons...?" I ask.

"They've destroyed themselves, Cam. They lost faith, in Fate. Now I'm running it."

How dumb do you think I am ya imbecile?! I keep my voice in my head, knowing I could blow the entire operation.

"It's not easy, is it?" I ask, holding back vomit that wants to erupt as his hand grazes me face and I try to look at him with affection. Try to look at him. 

"Not one bit, babe." 

Babe? BABE?!! Is he kidding my azz?! Disgusting, jock acting, man-slut... I hate the 'babe' title... Don't ask...

"Something wrong?" He gazes at me when I think to myself.

"Yeah. No. No! Eh hehe... I'm fine. I'm just... crazy? Thinking..."

He chuckles. "Cute, love. Now, why don't we set a little meal up for you." He croons. "You must be hungry from all that flying."

"Not really..." Shadow and I ate before we parted this morning, and this guy here, was making me sick, just speaking. "Just tired..."

"Alright..." He gives me a creepy smile. "I'll show you to our residence."

Our?! EW!!!Ewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewew!!!! Bleh bleh! Ugh. Nasty! Just, just, NO! "That would be wonderful..." I go beyond lying.

"Come now." He whispers in my ear, sweeping me off my feet, running full speed to a home-like building. Not as fast as Shadow, but... No. Not even close.


"There." He smirks, resting me on the bed. "Now..."

I feel extremely uneasy.

"Rest easy, my love." He wishes upon me.

"Thank you..." I fake a yawn.

He gazes down on me just a little longer.

I'm about to... kindly dismiss him. Instead, lips are force on mine.

I don't even know how to react as he forces the kiss on me. 

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