Chapter 1: Whisper -Unfaithful

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365 days since I lost touch with Cammie... Not even Fate wrote this for her.

See, the way it works in Fate, every life, has a book. Legit, a book. We continuously add pages every hour, adding a word every minute.

Camilla's book, however, has gone missing. Someone else is writing it on her. Her fate, is in only her hands. Has been for those mysterious 365 days.


And due to her disappearance, we have had to do something, against Fate's prophecy. 

We've had to connect to the other Mobians. Shadow in specific.

But, the way things are looking for 'ol Mobius, it's not good. 

We need to find Camilla. 


I sat next to Kie at the conference mixed with a memorial.

"It's been a long year without Camilla." Kie starts us off, as he was our professor. "And most of us are finding it just as hard as the day she went missing. But, we cannot give up on her, or give in to our emotions." The wise old dragon makes eye contacts with everyone. "Keep an eye out for suspicious acts, and a hint that Cam is alright."

"Yes, sir." Everyone murmurs a response.

"So," My voice is a little louder than I planned. "Let's hold on to our spirit, hold on to our minds, and she'll come home."

Everyone give their salutes as they leave. Maybe they didn't know Cammie like Kie or I, but here in Fate, we are all one big family. One loss, is everyone's loss. And this loss, broke everyone.

But, you know, we've gotta fight. Otherwise, we lose our faith. And Fate unfaithful? It's the worse thing that could happen. 

That's why we gotta fight. I'm sure Cammie wouldn't allow us to step down. She never did. She was the best fighter around here. 

That's why no one can understand how she disappeared if she fights so well...


I sat in my favorite overlook, so I can look down at the world below.

"You're back." I've been introduced with a certain black hedgehog.

I nod. "Yes. As are you." I've learned the tongue of the Mobians and Earth's Children.

"One year..." He mutters.


"Still no leads?"


He sighs. "I shouldn't had left that night."

We start the same conversation almost every time. "No one can be blamed for this, unless they have her."

He sighs again. "We're going to find her soon. We gotta."

"Agreed. Fate is slowing down. We're almost going backwards." I lightly chuckle.

"Hell, who knows what's going on elsewhere."

"I know." I smile. 

"You're supposed to." He smiles.

"Well, Shadow." I muse. "You hear something, lemme in on it." 

"Absolutly. Same with you." There's a bright flash, and he's gone again.

I take back to the skies, and into Fate.

"You're back." I turn to Mesa, who's at my side.

"Yeah." I mutter.

"It's going to happen one day, Whisper. We can lose our faith." She nudges me lightly.

"I know, I know. But... I don't understand."

"No one get's it. It's the point of a mystery."

"I guess..."

"Now, think on this one, dear Whisper. If dragons write Earth and Mobius' books, who writes the dragons and Fate's?" She smirks. 

"I have no clue." I give in and giggle.

"Try sleeping now." She smiles. "Rest now, dear Whisper."

"Good night, Mesa." 


I curl up in my den, on my soft nest.

"Good night, Camilla. Where ever you are..." I say a small prayer.

It's been a year now....

I close my eyes, as I curl up on the moss and grass nest.

I huff out my final candle, wishing Cam luck on this night, and any other, until we find her.


My dreams are filled with hope that night, and the smiling face of my best friend and matched soul: Camilla. 

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