Chapter 4: Camilla -Lost Get Found

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I know, I know!! It's taking me a loooong time to do this. Again, blame school. -.-"

ANYHOW!! Chappie 4~~~~~~~


I giggle as Shadow began to get mad.

Eventually, he finally stops struggling as he realizes who I am. "Cam?!"

"The one and only." I smile, still pinning his shoulders in the dry mud.

There's a slight moment of surprise and awe on both our parts. However, Shadow decides to ruin it.

There's a bright flash, I tumble slightly, then find myself starring up at the trickster hedgehog, himself. "You're mean..." I mutter bitterly up at him, like and unimpressed child.

"Awe. Did poor Cammie fall down?" He smirks down at me, as if it hasn't been as long as it has since we've last rested eyes on one another.

I glare back at him, putting my hands up to him. "Help me up now."

"Can't get up yourself?" He smiles, taking my hands carefully.

"No..." I mutter, feeling the ground below me as I'm pulled against the chest of the black and red hedgehog.

"At least you're in one piece." He sighs contently.

I pause, rec-electing my training. "Kinda."

He sighs and chuckles, resting his chin on my head. "Now what'd you do?"

"Not my fault..." I snuggle into the arms that have become my safety, once again.

"Cam?" I can almost hear the smirk on his face.

"I was training, and I kinda.... broke my ankle?" 

"Camilla, what will I ever do with you?" He laughs more.

I just about reply, but I noticed another hedgehog appear in the valley. "How about take me home?"

"What is it, Cam?" He finally lets me go from our embrace.

"Shad, just... Please?" I try to keep the corner of my eye on the other while trying to look at Shadow.

"Alright, alright." He brushes The hair out of my eyes. "Relax... Just tell me what's up."

"Shad... Please. Not right this moment." I beg of him to just get us out of here. 

"Camilla, are you... on the run? Or is someone following you." 

"If I say yes, can we go? Now?"

"Okay, okay." His hold on my hand tightens. "Do not let go. Alright?"


"It's okay."


I wince as my head pounds and the roof spins.

"I know, you can't stand Chaos power." He sweeps me off my feet quickly, making the world spin more.

"Shadow." I rest my head on his shoulder, keeping my eyes shut tighter.

"Camilla." He pecks the top of my head as I feel him carry me around.

"First; off put me down," I open my eyes, slowly blinking off the dizziness. "Second; where are we?"

"My house." He smiles softly, setting me down on a bed. "Only place I can watch you that you haven't been to or seen around. Safe house." His hand brushes my face. "Get some rest now."

I stifle a yawn. "Fiiiiine~."

"Glad you're back and alright, Cam." A soft arm wraps around me while he sits next to me.

I rest my head on his knee. "Happy to be back."


I gaze up at the stars, for seeing the future ahead of me. 

Such black darkness... 

I see myself stand underneath a tree. A weeping willow, in specific. 

I stand there, waiting, for something, or someone. 

I seemed to be a little impatient... Something obviously important on mind...

"Be warned Camilla." A voice echos through out the forest. "This road could be dark and everlasting. Find a safety. Quickly now, Camilla. You'll need the help."

"But- I... What if I...?"

The silver swirled around me, turning to black, and swallowing me in total.


I sat up quickly, shock from the dream. Or nightmare... What was that? 

I... What if it's a death sentence again?

I find the inability to breath again. Spitting and stuttering for air.

"Cam?" Shadow shakes my shoulder. "Cam, hey, easy."

I slowly return to breathing.

"Cam, easy..."

I continue to shake. "Shadow..." I rest against him again.


I relax against him again, feeling the safety. 

However, there was something I was trying to avoid. Someone was watching...

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