10~ Yellow

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Y/N ~ Your Name
L/N ~ Last Name

T/W: Mentions of panic attacks, drinking, abuse

As the sun began to rise, Jacob found himself groggily waking up from the light beaming through the small gap in the curtains. "Morning Jacob, ready for Birmingham today?" Jake said as he opened the door to Jacobs room.

Jacob hadn't really spoken to Jake since the other night. He couldn't bring himself to try and figure out what happened and why Jake wanted her to kiss him so bad. "Yeah im gassed, i think we're going to smash it tonight." Jacob responded, bringing his head up off his pillow and checking his phone. "Fuck i gotta shower before practice."
"Can we talk though before" Jake began before Jacob could get out the room. "Um. Yeah sure go ahead. I think its needed if im being honest"

"I'm sorry, i'm so fucking sorry." Jake began as jacob grabbed a towel off the dresser "I don't know why i asked her to kiss me, i don't know why i did that stupid dare. It shouldn't of gone as far as it did, i know how much Y/N means to you, and i know how much she's helped you. Im sorry"

What jake said was true, the alcohol he was consuming made him go all weird. The dare wasn't supposed to cause so much drama, Jake knew that Jacob had some feelings towards
Y/N, and so he accepts that making her kiss jake was wrong. He couldn't change the past, he can't make everyone forget what had happened, they'd just have to live on from it and make a better future.

"Don't worry, i shouldn't of reacted how i did, but i do't know what to do about Y/N, Noah suggested a song or a letter, so i think im going to write her a letter and deliver it tomorrow" He added as the two lads walked towards the bathroom.

"Do it, she likes letters and handwritten stuff, she told me at the party, said it's the most romantic thing a guy can do" Jake said. "You didn't hear that from me, i'll be off, enjoy your shower, we'll be waiting in the van" Jake said as he patted Jacob on the back and walked downstairs to meet the remaining two band members.

Write her a letter. She likes letters and handwritten stuff.

Those few words played through jacobs mind as the hot water cascades down his bare back, as he stood in the shower on his phone. He had to make it up to her, and tonight, he was going to write a song and a letter for her. She had to know how sorry he was, and how bad he felt about everything. He couldn't loose Y/N, not now, not ever. She was the one. He knew it, and somewhere in the back of her mind, Y/N knew it too. He just hopes it will be ok


Practice was amazing for the lads, they didn't mess up at any point. Toms vocals felt angelic as they filled up the room and corresponded with Jacobs bass playing and complimented the way Jake played his guitar. Today felt good, and Jacob knew it.

"Hey Tom can i ask you something?" Jacob began. He was nervous to ask what he was thinking, he hoped it would work well, hoped someone would record and post it. Hoped his fans understand what he was going through. "Of course Jacob what's going on in that big head of yours?" He joked.
Tom and Jacob always were close, ever since the band together. They'd always make fun if eachother and help eachother. I suppose, that's the best way a friendship could be.

"I want to sing a song at the end, one i wrote for Y/N. I know she's not here, and i know she won't come, but i hope a fan records it and hope she sees it." Tom only smiled. "Of course mate, no need to ask. I'll let the lads know"


"Ok so for the last performance of the night, Jacob is going to be singing an orginal for a very special girl" With Toms words the audience filled with a mixture of Cheers and "Ooo's". The gig went amazing, the lads got the crowd excited, got everyone singing and dancing. Each lad gave away either a set of drumsticks, a water bottle, towels or guitar picks.

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