32~ An epic going away list

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Y/N~ Your Name
L/N~ Last Name


When saying goodbye to someone, many things run through your head. Questions such as "will they rememeber me?", "will they enjoy their trip or holiday?" and the most important question, "will i ever see them again?".
It sounds stupid really, asking those questions, working yourself up too much and thinking the inevitable, all for them to come back home a few weeks later and hug you to tell u all about their trip.

However, unlike those times, Y/N really did think of those questions when it came to Jacob. He was going away for 6 months and she won't know when she'll next see him. For all she knows, he could fall in love with America and never want to return back to shitty london where he's spent his entire 16 years of living. Many scenarios ran through her head when he told her, thoughts of whether he'll return home with a girl, maybe he'll send her a letter and tell her all about the new person he met.
Y/N knew that she was being stupid, knew that her thoughts were just trying to get to her; knew that her subconscious was just trying to ruin her again. However, it didn't stop her from crying that night knowing that in 6 days, the guy she loves will be gone.

Not for good, but for a good while.

"Morning" Y/N said as she walked into the nursing home with a big smile. It had been a week since she visited and she decided that she wanted to come here again to see her mother.

"Is this where she's staying?" Jacob asked

Oh yeah, and bring Jacob along too.
You see, the two met up the next day, Jacob stopped by her shop to see how she was dealing with the news, and they decided to make a list.
'An epic going away list' as Jacob described it to Y/N to try and make her laugh.

Like always, he succeeded and so after an hour of talking, and many lists thrown in the bin due to the wrong colour being wrote in, or the heading being too out there; the two were finally done with the list.


"Ok" Jacob began as he threw down markers and pencils onto the desk where Y/N was currently sat at. "We need a list"

"A what?"
"As in one of those long things you take with you when you go shopping?" Y/N asked, now putting away her pen behind her ear and taking off the glasses.
"Yeah, but for us instead" He responded beaming at the girl.
"Why may i ask?"
"Because if i'm leaving in a few days, i want to make sure that we do things that are extremely cool-"

"Oh yeah because that's going to work" Y/N laughed into her hands. "Jacob we live in London what is there to do?"
"A lot and that's why we have to think about things we love and go and do them" Jacobs face lit up when he finally got Y/N to agree and almost instantly he pulled up another chair next to her til and began to write out the title.

The next few hours were spent in laughter as the two found out what they most would like to do in their life.
Many things such as "go to a museum" or "lets go swimming" were top of the list as they were the easiest things to complete.

"Y/N hurry up we need to finish" Jacob complained as Y/N left to serve.

"Sorry about him, he's not supposed to be here to be honest" Y/N smiled at the young girl who was in front of her. She knew the girl well, well i mean it was Mrs Potters granddaughter so she obviously knew about her from the woman herself.

"Its ok honestly, thank you have a nice day" She said back and grabbed the receipt, making her way out the door and into the sun.

"New rule, can you not scare off my customers, we barely make money as it is" she said making him smile at her anger.

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