18~ mom's fairy-tales

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Y/N~ Your Name
L/N~ Last Name

(this is the pic i imagine Kate taking of Y/N and Jacob)


The money just lay on the counter. Why would Jacob send her this much money?

As the day grew towards a close, Y/N felt as though she had to return this back to Jacob. She knew that opening up to Jacob would have brought many hugs and many condolences, but in no way was opening up an invitation for him to send money. And even if it was hinted that she was in debt with anything, Jacob would be the last person she'd go to for money.

And no, not because she feels as though he couldn't provide the money for the young girls fee's. But because they weren't together, weren't dating, no, not even in the talking stage. They were just two friends who were trying to figure out what the hell to do with their lives. Trying to figure out what the world has to offer, attempting to figure out if the world was better off alone, or it was better off with another person by their side


Walking home wasn't a massive task for Y/N, mainly because she knew exactly where she was going. Conduit Mews wasn't a massive street, and so with a few lefts and rights, she found herself already nearing the forest that kept her house away from all humanity.
Growing up, Y/N loved the little forest that kept her house secure. Loved exploring there every chance she got. Enjoyed believing that if she tread carefully, she'd see a few fairies dancing around on top of mushroom. Maybe she'd see unicorns if she ventured deeper in the forests. She enjoyed letting her imagination run miles, thinking about all the trolls in the forest that kept everyone out of their tree trunk, all the Centaurs that guarded the fields, and all the horses that could fly.

Most nights, Y/N enjoyed listening to her mom's fairy-tales. Loved hearing how when her mom was little, she used to go out and play with all the fairies and the small animals. She told her about how she was like the Cinderella of the forest. And Y/N grew up believing that some where out there, they all lived.

Walking around the small pond, Y/N found herself deep in thought. Not the thought about her mothers tales, no; but about this money that was hidden in her backpack. She had to see Jacob tomorrow, telling him that his money can be kept because she felt bad for keeping the money he sent.

"Hey Y/N how was work?" Kate began as the young girl dropped her bag and made her way to the recent;y decorated living room. "Weird i'm telling you" The girl answered, giving her mom a small hug and a peck on the head

"How come?"
"Well i got a package and inside it had a shit ton of money in it, labelled for your mom. Jacob must have sent it as a christmas present but i have no idea why. I mean i didn't even tell him that i was thinking about a home for mother" Y/N responded, now having her head in her hands trying to figure out this whole mystery.

"Money? how much?"


The next day came slower than any other day Y/N had encountered. Endless hours of tossing and turning, endless amounts of thoughts in her head. It may seem weird that Y/N can't sleep because of a christmas gift, but in the back of her mind, she had this feeling she can't get rid off.

The girl had a rough idea about where the studio was, as Jacob described, it wasn't that far from her shop, as so it wouldn't be hard for the girl to find. The day was slightly brighter today which surprised the girl. It was nearing christmas and so in a way, Y/N hoped there was snow coming her way, but the bright sun today proved her wishes wrong.

"Hello?" The girl asked as she rang the doorbell. The house that was best known as the "studio" was surprisingly large. The door was slightly open, and so she knew that someone was in the house. "Jacob?" She asked, as she continued to know, however decided to walk in anyway.
Now, you obviously shouldn't just walk into a random person house, however Y/N knew Jacob and she guessed it would be easy to do in case he was outside and couldn't hear her.

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