6~ I've grown to like the guy

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Y/N ~ Your Name
L/N ~ Last Name

T/W: mentions of not eating <333

This is part 1 of a double update
Another part will be uploaded straight after this <333


A week passed by, and Y/N had only seen Jacob, Tom was told he wasn't allowed to go back as he'd only flirt with the poor girl. Jacob began to tell her where he's playing, and offered her a ride if she needed one. Declining the ride offer and thanking him, before she knew it, the concert was a few days away.

 She had yet to tell Kate about the day, sen as though she needed someone there to look after her mom whilst she was out. More than likely, her mom would be asleep, but for the small, and touch wood, chance something happened, Y/N wanted to make sure her mom would be in safe hands.

The small amount of sun beamed down into Y/N's compacted room. Growing up, Y/N has always been an only child, and some people feel like it would be fun to have that sensation of privacy and oneness, always be center of attention, always have the money spent on you. But even with the pick of the bedroom, Y/N hated the sense of being alone. She longed for a sibling there that she could talk to, she had cousins, but after the whole incidents with her parents, no one ever kept in touch. Y/N loved waking up every morning. Yes, the feeling of surviving another night was amazing; the feeling of waking up is a transition from the world of dreams into the day for her. And although it may take hours to adapt to the new day, it sure feels like a blessing to see the day through.

"Good morning Y/N" Kate chimed as the young girl began to peel a banana to put into her cereal. "Morning Kate, once again thank you so much for coming in earlier, i honestly cannot thank you enough" She answered, the mornings were the same. A quick friendly hello to kate, maybe a small conversation, depending on the time. 

"Oh Kate" Y/N asked quickly, half in the house, and half outside the threshold. "Is it ok if i ask you to do a night shift, only because i was sort of invited out by this guy, and he wants me to go to one of his gig-" Y/N was interrupted by the young woman chuckling slightly. Puzzled, Y/N didn't realize her head slightly tilting. "Don't tilt your head" Kate chuckled. "you never need to ask and then explain yourself, of course i will, when is it?" "In 2 days"

After the answered question of if she was available, the day went by quicker than usual. An average of 2 people per hour, and an odd child or two coming in for Halloween candies, or last minute costumes were always a treat.


//October 28th. 7:33pm

Dearest Diary,

So after accepting Jacob's offer, well Tom's offer on behalf of Jacob, the concert is it 2 days and i can't say in excited, however i' cant say i'm worried about it. I have picked out an outfit, which i'm nervous to wear, i only ever really go out in cardigans and covered up outfits, but i want to make an impression, and i think the gig would be the best place to do so.

I have really started to fully like Jacob after all the times we've spent together, it's been amazing getting to know him and vice versa. He's a nice lad, and i love how passionate he is with everything he does. He tells me all about his music career and all about his band, except he tends to try and leave out the fails they've had; like Noah's awkward 'castaway joke' and how He blacked toms eye with a bass; i do get him to tell me them eventually.

As for Tom, i haven't seen him since, and i've spoken to the other band members, they sort of facetimed Jacob when he was here to ask him about some new music, so i spoke to a guy called Noah, i think that was his name. Jacob says he think i'm going to become good friends with the lads, which i'm glad about, as i know it would be a good starter for me and Jacob. I know i'm acting like we are together, when we clearly aren't, but i've really grown to like the guy, and i think he feels the same towards me. Well i hope so.

I think this is where we get a bit more sad. Mom has stopped eating the normal food she has, only now takes liquids. Kate reckons its just a small phase, and that in a week or two she will be back to normal, but i can't help but imagine the worst. I'm trying to keep a positive mindset as i don't want anyone to notice and begin to ask questions, but i can't help but lay awake, stroking her hair and wondering where and why it all went so wrong.

Anyway, work was boring, Jacob never stopped by, even though its a day he has off. however, i mean he is going on tour soon, so i guess he has to practice. Mrs Potters daughter came in today and we had a small chat to help her, she was honestly so nice to talk to, i guess she gets that from Mrs Potter.

Anyway i have to go, i'll update you with details if anything happens at the gig.
Yours truly,
Y/N x


Two days had past within the blink of an eye, and before she knew it, Y/N was getting ready to go to the gig. Nervous wasn't the right term to use, more apprehensive. 

Y/N had never been to anything like this before, her usual crowd was in a small bookshop, or a costa down the street. Not a gig with what has hundreds of people screaming lyrics left right and center. She was excited, yet concerned she wouldn't fit in with the crowd.

Clothes tell you a lot about a person and their emotions. If you were brightly coloured clothes, some people see you as a more outgoing person. You like to stick you from the crowd and want to state an opinion. Never a bad thing, as you tend to seem more extroverted. Some believe it makes you seem more welcoming, and a friendly person to look up to, and to guide you. However wearing a nude colour, makes you seem more chilled out, and a person who goes with the flow rather than points out how they feel and what they want to do. Once again it's never a bad thing, as it makes you seem more in control and more warming than anything. Then it comes to darker colours or more shaded colours. These make you seem more sophisticated and more dominant than anything. Make you seem like you take the lead in every situation, or you guide others to how you want it to go. This is normally a very approachable route people like to take, and it's always a good trait to have.

As for Y/N, she went for a more calmer outfit, and no makeup. She never really brought makeup, or tried it for that matter. Her mother used to tell her that guys prefer girls who don't wear makeup, and so her mother never brought her any. She never understood this, as Y/N came to realize guys never care about the makeup or clothes you wear, and care about you and your personality. 

As a day turned into 5 hours, which turned into 90 minutes, Y/N had bid Kate a goodbye and began to make her way to the venue. 

Kate was excited to see Y/N in clothes that differed from her everyday outfits, and in fairness, she, herself, was excited to make a change, but deep down she had a bad feeling about tonight, and that feeling never left her stomach.


A/N~ I hope you are enjoying the fan fiction so far, i know i'm enjoying writing it. The next part of the double update will be uploaded in about 20/ 30 mins time, so be ready, it's one mental chapter.

W/C: 1388

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