8~ did dad tell you to lead on guys?

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Y/N~ Your Name
L/N~ Last Name

TW: Emetophobia, drinking, slight mention of abuse too xx


Truth or dare. A fun, yet contemplating game that keeps everyone either happy, nervous or in tears. The game that can either make or break friendships, start or end relationships or even begin to make or befriend some enemies. As rounds continue more secrets are spilled, more fun is occurring, and more people either get more drunk, high or annoyed; it's the only way to play it properly.

This game was starting off easy, from learning about Toms first kiss and how he was left standing behind bins; to Jakes first girlfriend leaving him via a note. Many shots were taken, what alcohol you may ask?
Well none of them knew. It was mixes of vodka, to tequila, to sourz and to rum. They were all extremely tipsy, and so what would once burn your throat, now tasted like gold as it ran down their throat, burning at all the right places, making it painfully addicting to feel. And as much as Y/N hated the idea of drinking, and the worry she would turn out like her father did; she couldn't help but enjoy the sensation that lingered in her throat.


"Kiss me" Jake stated as the girls eyes went wide, as well as her mouth opening at the words that had just escaped the blonde haired's lips.

The words were jumbled to Y/N. Surely not. Surely Jake hadn't just asked her to kiss him? They're not even friends. Well; to him they may be, but with Y/N she finds it hard to class friends from acquaintances. Was jacob even a friend? I mean yeah she spoke to the guy every time he came into the shop, he played music for her and made her laugh more than anyone could, but Y/N has never had many friends, and so she doesn't know what having one feels like.

"Um what?" The girl questioned. She wasn't trying to be annoying by asking, she genuinely had no idea why he wanted to do this. "Kiss me, i mean. Come on. It's a dare, and young Jacob doesn't mind." He stated.
Why would jacob care?

"Do you mate?" Jacob looked angry. Actually, angry isn't the word. He looked more hurt than anything. Hurt that his band mate wold do something like this knowing he liked the girl. Knowing that Y/N probably didn't want to drink anymore so she'd probably do the dare. Of course, he couldn't be mad as Y/N wasn't his possession, just like he wasn't Y/N's. But deep down he really hope she wouldn't do this with Jake. I mean it's a kiss, to Jake it may seem minor, but he doesn't know that this is
Y/N's first ever kiss, and that she was saving it for Jacob.

"I can't drink again, i'm sorry. I have to kiss you jake" The girl began, as she slowly got up and made her way to Jake, who sat there smiling. She had no emotion at this point, she looked lost, like she wasn't supposed to be here.

She slowly leaned in as her lips slowly met with his. It was a soft kiss, he wasnt too hard. His hand guided itself up to cup her cheek, as he slowly stood up, keeping contact with the young girl. She was drunk, he was drunk; surely it would just be seen as a drunken mistake by everyone. Right?
But all whilst the kiss lasted, all the girl thought about was that she was kissing Jacob. Yeah that's it, she's kissing Jacob. Not Jake. Not the boys band member, her lips are pressed onto Jacob. That's all she has to think about.

After a few seconds she let go, a small tear fell down her cheek. She wanted Jacob, and she knew he would be upset and hurt. She was hurt, overwhelmed is more correct. Her eyes flickered over to the couch. Tom and Noah sat shocked. A slight mouth open from Tom, who almost looked jealous, but she could tell how he was feeling. The girl could read anyone, he felt sorrow. Was it for her? Was it for Jake? Who was he feeling sorry for?
As for Noah, he sat impressed, almost proud of what he had just seen. A small smile played on his lips, but he wiped it off as soon as he saw the salty tear drip off her cheek.
As for Jacob. He was gone. "Where did Jacob go?" The girl breathed out, slightly saddened to see him not say there. Could she blame the guy though? If only she knew
As the rain poured down, Y/N found herself outside quicker than she had intended to. Jacob was hurt, i think she could tell that. She didn't have an idea why; but he was.

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