#3. Weekend

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I woke up at 10am today as I had nothing to do, I did my morning routine and went downstairs for breaky, as I was totally free today and I had nothing to do
I gave mrs.kang a Holiday so she can enjoy her weekend too, about my food and stuffs I can do it myself too, as I was scrolling through my phone I remembered that I have to upload mine and BTS'S pics:

kang a Holiday so she can enjoy her weekend too, about my food and stuffs I can do it myself too, as I was scrolling through my phone I remembered that I have to upload mine and BTS'S pics:

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As I posted this I wanted to hear some music and sing like a mad girl 🤪

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As I posted this I wanted to hear some music and sing like a mad girl 🤪

So I put on some music on speakers with the loud ass voice to enjoy my time
time skipped~
It was 12pm and I was not getting bored as I love to listen music 🎶
Then suddenly my doorbell ranged

I was surprised that who would it be I am not expecting anyone, as I was in my thoughts the doorbell ranged again

Jungkook's. POV
Me and other bangtan planned to surprise y/n by visiting her as we got here we heard a loud music and y/n's voice who is singing along with the singers
Hehe cutee~
As we were not getting reply Jin again pressed doorbell
As now she answered while closing her music, she opened door and wow 😳

she was in her PJ's with her wavy hair and no makeup she is looking.... Beautiful, as she saw us she hugged us and her smell was amazing

Ahhhh JK what are you thinking she is your friend

As they all entered her house everyone started speaking

Kook: Hey the song you were playing just now is my favourite play it again we can sing together

Y/n: haha I am a terrible singer so don't mind me if I hurt your ears

Rm: I am not either but no one cares

Yoongi: I can rap tho so that counts in singing too right?

Y/n: I guess

Hobi: yes it works let's leave this discussion and y/n-ie start playing the songs already!!!

As y/n started to play songs everyone started singing wildly like no tomorrow even y/n, the house was a great chaos

As they all got tired they started resting as it was almost time for dinner, y/n decided to make some dishes and jin and suga decided to help her

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