#20. Secret Pt.2

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As we completed eating we all headed inside my room
I was so nervous cause I am telling them my secret
We all sat and joon spoke

Joon: Y/n, it's ok first Relax and then speak...

Tae was sitting besides me holding my hands and caressing it softly as if he is indicating that he is always there for me

I took a deep breath and spoke

Me: So first let me introduce my family, the woman you saw downstairs is my mother, the guy besides her is my.... Step father and that girl is my step sister which is one year younger then me

I stopped for a second to see their reactions but they all were just looking at me to continue

Me: 'My mom divorced my real dad when I was 16 and I supported my mom that's why she took my custody.
So it all started when I was 15. Before that we were like a normal family or what I thought was a normal. My real dad was abusive.... Not physically but mentally. He never gave me and my mother the love we wanted, the care we wanted, the... Freedom we wanted, his thinking was low.... So low that whenever I think about my real dad I feel disgusted of him. He used to judge both of us as he is the man and we are girl/woman. We are not meant to live freely as we want. We both never loved him. My mom and my real dad was arranged. I thought that my mom is happy with him it's only me who hates him.... But one day

Y/n's real dad's house
I was alone at my house as my mom is one her job and my dad went to market, but they were late
As I was getting impatient I called my dad
Me: Dad? Where are you?

Dad: Choose y/n!!! You wanna live with your mom or dad?

Me: What? Why? What happened?

Dad: Y/n.... Choose!!

Me: What is the reason?

Dad: I am divorcing your mom!!

Me: What!? Why?

Dad: I am coming home!

Phone ended~
He hung up, Why? What happened? Divorce?
I called my mom
Me: Mom!!!

Mom: Yeah dear!

Me: Mom! Dad called me and said you guys are divorcing!!?

Mom: No baby! We are not! We are coming home, don't worry ok!?

Me: Ok...

Phone ended~
Whom to believe?
They both came home my dad was angry and my mom smiled at me I asked her

Me: Mom what happened?

Mom: Nothing he is just making big deal!


As he said that I froze!! What? Mom kissed a guy?

Me: w-who?


I know her boss, I have met him, we both talk with each other a lot, But why would mom kiss him?

Me: Mom is this true?

Mom: Noooo it's not, he saw something else and he is making big deal out of it!

I believed her, cause my mom is the only person who I love the most in this world, only person who listens to me, understand me, trust me.... So I trust her too...

Me: Ok then dad she must be telling truth

Dad: you are not believing me y/n!?
She did it!! I saw with my naked eyes!!

Me: Dad you must have misunderstood!! Mom will not do this things.

Dad: And I am a liar?

Me: No dad you must have saw it wrong

Mom: Yes she is right! You saw it wrong!

Flashback ends~
I was tearing up as tae hold me close to him and I sobbed in his chest

Me: Was I wrong?

Tae: No you weren't

He said while patting me

Me: After that day my mom made my dad believe her somehow but still, there were silly fights. They started fighting everyday, they were like enemies

But one day they fought again but this time a big fight!

My mom came home alone but told me everything why they faught.
They faught again because of her boss and her job, but suddenly my mom's phone rang and it was her boss, I thought that he would have called cause he knew about our family problem cause it was because of him!
My mom picked up that call
She started talking but in suspicious way!!!
Like a.....couple!
When they hung up, I asked

Me: Mom, why were you talking with him like that!?

She hesitated but told me

Mom: We are in relationship!!

Me: wh-wha-what?

Mom: But trust me baby when your dad told you that I kissed him was really not true, he really misunderstood but we are in relationship.

Me: But mom!!

I don't know what to say!

Mom: it's ok baby, if you support me it's ok if not you can be with your dad!

As I heard that I thought that I can't live with my dad no matter what my mom did.

I don't like that man and plus if my mom is getting the love and care which she didn't got from my dad so my mom is right too

Me: Mom I'll be with you I support you!

I said smiling

Flashback ended~

Me: I supported my mom cause she was not wrong and she deserves to be happy right!!? She is happy with this man down there so I am happy too! Did I did any sin?
Our whole family rejected us cause they think my mom is slut cause she cheated on my dad and I am a sinner cause I supported her. How can I be with my dad? One day when I asked him if he trusted me he immediately said "No I don't trust you" Then why should I be with that man. Am I wrong?'

Hobi: No you are not wrong y/n!!

Jimin: Yes I would have done the same

Jin: your decision was correct

Kook: It's your life y/n you can do whatever you want and it's right!

I cried as they all supported me

Tae: Shush y/n it's ok

Me: They didn't even let me see my grandmother

I cried harder

Me: Can't they forgive us

They all tried to calm me down

Time skip~
I was ok now, I cried a lot and they all were with me all the time but they would probably tired so I sended them to their rooms, but tae insisted to stay with me cause I was still not ok!

Me: Tae...

Tae: Let's sleep

I widened my eyes at that words

Tae: Just sleep

I blushed so hard at what I was thinking, he chuckled at my face

Tae: You look like Tomato!

He said and pinch my cheeks, I blushed harder

Tae: Let's sleep

He said and dragged me down in the bed back hugging me as my heart started beating so fast as it was gonna come out any minute now

Tae: Don't worry y/n!! Just sleep

I nodded while blushing but he was so warm I started to feel relax and safe under his embrace
We both soon fall asleep
Thanks for reading till now 🙏
Stay tuned for next part 💜
Love you all 💜
Borahae 💜💜💜💜💜

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