#16. Worry

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I was with yoongi hanging out cause he called me, suddenly I got a phone call from kook, I put it on speaker cause yoongi also wanted to hear it

Me: kookie calm down, I am with yoongi. What happened?

Kook: Well something is wrong with tae so we thought that you can help him cause we can't...


I got scared and looked at yoongi, as he looked down. Why?

Kook: We also don't know what's wrong with him please help us!!

Me: Ok ok wait i'mma call you later

Kook: Ok

Call ended~
Yoongi: What are you gonna do

Me: Let me call him

I called him
I called him almost 15 times but he is not picking up I am getting scared now, what happened to him suddenly?

Me: Yoongi we should go to your place, please I need to see him

Yoongi: Yes y/n let's go

Well after that night at the club when yoongi confessed, y/n was not listening cause she knocked out
So they are still friends, and y/n is still not move on from tae cause it's just been a month
Back to story~

We headed towards their dorm as I knocked impatiently and then door opened by ayu?
Ayu?? What is she doing here? Well it's not the right time to know that, I wanna see tae first

Me: Where is he?

Jimin: You are here finally

Hobi: Yoongi? Were you with y/n?

He nodded

Me: GUYS!! where is HE?

Kook: Inside his room, he is not letting us go inside, please help us y/n, he is even injured

Without wasting more time, I headed into his room


Me: Hey tae

He was shocked seeing me but soon he returned back to normal

Tae: What are you doing here?

Me: Tae are you ok?

Tae: Don't ask me back!!!

Me: Ok ok I am here to meet you

Tae: I am not in mood to meet anyone get out!!

Me: tae-

Tae: Get out y/n!! Before I burst out on you please get out

Me: Tae I know you are not okay and I'll not ask the reason or any kinda explanation but please just let me treat that

Tae sighed in defeat as I slowly went towards him with my first aid box
I took his hands and I saw that it is bleeding uncontrollably and unconsciously a tear rolled down my eyes

Time skip~
I wiped his remaining blood and bandaged it, I cleaned his room
But still I don't know what's wrong
I don't want to ruin his mood again so I will not ask

But he looks like he haven't eaten since so long, he has became more paler, thin

I can't handle watching him like that why is he like that?

Me: Tae I am making something for you cause you look hungry

Tae: I am not hungry and I don't wanna eat

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