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As I said I would try my best and Taehyung apologized to me after that incident, we were all hanging out but Tae was still choosing Lily over me.

Today was our graduation 🎓 day and he has to choose between me and Lily, yes I am going to confess today.

Ahhhh I’m so nervous what is going to happen, what if he rejects me? We all were in the hall where our graduation ceremony was being held, we started talking.

Jimin: Y/n, Lily we will miss you.

Me: We both are gonna miss you guys too.

Hobi: Can't you come to our college?

Lily: How Hobi? All of you are going into a music college, Y/n is going into an editing college, and I’m still in school.

Joon: Why? Why are all of us separating and why did this school year go by so faaaaasstttt!!?

Kook: We will stay in touch right Y/n?

Y/n: Of course Kookie we can still hang out whenever you want, just call me, my doors are always open.

I said smiling, but my mind was still on one thing ‘my confession’, I was looking for Tae because all of us were separated. I got to the back door of the school and heard Tae's voice, Thank god!!

Tae: Lily, what do you want to talk about?

Lily? I thought

Lily: Taehyung I... I love you

I waited for Tae's reply…

Tae: Aww Lily I love you too


I couldn’t stand there anymore, I ran outside without making noise, I wanted to cry, I knew that it would hurt but this is too much, my heart hurts so much. I can't describe this feeling, I started sobbing as soon as I reached the hallway, I saw Yoongi, when he saw me he dragged me out to my car, he waited for me to speak.


Tae. POV
Me: Aww I love you too.

Lily: No Tae, I love you more than just f-friends.

Me: w-wha-what?

Lily: Yes Tae I love you, I really do.

She started explaining to me how she regretted everything, she said that she loves me but I don't know why I can't say yes.

She is my first love, but I guess I m-moved o-on.

Me: I’m really sorry Lily, I don't love you as more than friends.

Lily: I guess I knew, somehow and I was prepared. Tae I’m moving to America again, my father wants me to take over his business and that's why I confessed to you. It's ok, Taehyung don't feel guilty. I always knew that you moved on so I guess I’m saying goodbye.

Me: But Lily you said you were going to continue school here.

Lily: No Tae I just lied because I wanted to tell you first, now you can tell everyone. I have to go my car is here, bye Tata I will always love you

I  felt kinda sad for her but I don’t regret it, I told her the truth. I headed back to where my friends were but Y/n and Yoongi weren’t there… are they... together? No, Taehyung don't think like that.

Yoongi. POV
I can't see her crying like that, I don't know what happened but I’m sure that it's because of Taehyung again.
She started to calm down and I waited for her to say something.

Y/n: He accepted Lily…

Her eyes again became teary.

Y/n: Why? Why her? Why can't it be me Yoongi? Whyyyy?

I want to ask the same question Y/n why? Why Tae? Why do you love the guy who always makes you cry? Why?

I tried to calm her down, I wanted to say what I thought about all of this but I didn’t say anything as she kept questioning why?

Y/n: Yoongi am I that bad, why can't anyone love me? Why?

Me: No Y/n you aren't thinking straight, we all love you.

Y/n: No Yoongi you don't know anything, No one loves me, No one thinks of me not even my parents.

She said as she cried harder… her parents? Is she talking about that secret she was hiding? Should I ask?

No Yoongi this isn’t the right time, just let her take it all out.

Me: Y/n? Do you wanna go home?

She nodded, I told her driver to take us home. As we got there I took out my phone and saw.

211 messages.
67 missed calls.

What happened?
I saw it was from Bangtan and Tae.
What did he want, I was curious so I called him first, he picked up right after two rings... that was… fast.

Tae: Hello, Yoongi where the hell are you?

Me: What do you want Tae?

Tae: Where is Y/n? Is she with you?

Me: Why do you care?

Tae: What's wrong with you Yoongi?

Me: I am just asking why do you care, go with your Lily.

Tae: Lily? Lily went back to America.

He told me in a sad tone.
Me: Oh so a long distance relationship huh!?

Tae: Yoongi stop asking questions and just fucking tell me.

Me: What?


Me: Oh god Taehyung stop shouting and stop caring about her. She is with me don't call her she’s tired.

I said and immediately hung up.
Phone ended~

Aish why does he care.

Y/n: Yoongi what happened?

Me: Nothing it's just.....

Y/n: What?

Me: Lily and Taehyung are in a long distance relationship because Lily went back to America.

Y/n: How do you know?

Me: He called

Y/n: Ohh

I don't want her to suffer because of Tae anymore, I said he was gonna regret it.

Me: Y/n?

Y/n: Hmm

Me: Should we go out? So that you can get some fresh air. You have to move on, I can't see you suffer anymore, let me help you

I said hoping she would accept my help.

Y/n: Ok Yoongi I want to move on, "Help me".

She said smiling, Yess!! This is my chance I will give Y/n everything she needs... and she will be mine.
Thanks for reading till now 🙏💜
Stay tuned for next part 💜💜
Who should y/n choose
Tae or yoongi?

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