#6. A girl?

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I was heading to my school as usual but the feeling I am feeling right now is different, It's all mixed up, I know that I am totally whipped for taehyung and I know that he is not, I can't think that No No Be positive Y/N-ieeee

I headed to my class and greeting everyone and sitting on my desk where I was feeling so awkward but to my surprise tae greeted me with smile and spoke

Tae: Hey, y/n-shi

Me: h-hey tae

Tae: tae???

Me: huh!?

Tae: What about taetae

He spoke with a pout

Me: O-Ohh sorry taetae

I said with a smile, oh god this guy is driving me crazy,he looks cute while sulking too

Tae: It's ok😊😊, So today at my place?

Me: Yep

Suddenly yoongi spoke in between that scared the shit out of me

Yoongi: You are coming at our apartment for your presentation??

Tae: Yep she is coming

Yoongi: Did I asked you?
Tae: .....

Me: Yes i am coming to yours

Yoongi hummed in response, but to my surprise he blushed?!?! Am I seeing it right I guess I am hallucinating

Suddenly tae got a text in his phone and I can't help but being curious, When he opened that text he smiled and replied to that unknown person, I thought he only has BTS as his friends who would it be? A girl? A boy? A relative? Mom? Ahhhh I am confused, I was in my thoughts when he spoke but not to me but to guys

Tae: Guys she is here

He said smiling Huh!? She???? Who she?? Don't tell me he has...No No y/n be positive

Jin: woah!! Good, is she getting along?

Tae: She said yes

I am getting more and more curious so I was about to ask but again got interrupted

Yoongi: Who she??

Tae: Lily

He said while smiling brightly, She is definitely not his mom or relative, I can't take it anymore so I finally spoke

Me: Who lily?

Jimin: Ohh yeah she probably don't know

Kook: It's our taehyung-ie's little crush or should I say first love uhuh😏

He said teasingly, while I was processing things, I can hear a breaking sound inside of me

Tae: Oh come on she rejected me a long ago remember?

Joon: But we can still feel that thing in your eyes taehyung-ah don't lie to us

I was in urge to cry but I have to be strong atleast they are not together, but does tae like her?

Me: I am still not getting it

Hobi: Wait, let me explain, so... Lily is taehyung's childhood friend and neighbour, like before us too and one day when they were in a drama act at the school function when they were in somewhat 1st grade and they have to do a kissing scene when they did it our taehyung-ie fell hard for her

He said while laughing

Jimin: Yess but when he confessed, he got rejected, but they are still good friends I guess and she was transferred to America but she returned yesterday so today is her first day at school she is our junior

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