#18. Where is she!?

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Tae's. POV
It's 12am right now still we can't reach her, after knowing that she also loves me I really want to hug her so tight and never let go I am so happy but on the other hand I am so worried that where is she? Is she ok? What is the emergency? Will she needs me?
It was 12:30 right now still I am just staring at wall without even having a blink of sleep
All other members must be asleep right? I want to take fresh air
As I thought that I went out in courtyard where I saw yoongi standing with his eyes closed, I went towards him

Me: Yoongi....

He opened his eyes slowly and looked towards me. I feel really bad for him after all he is my friend and falling in love with her is not his fault

Yoongi: Can't sleep?

Me: No *sigh*

Yoongi: I am sorry

Me: It's not your fault, it's no one's fault, you can't control your emotions anyways

Yoongi: I know but still I wanna say something

Me: umhmm

Yoongi: please don't feel uncomfortable with me

Me: *smiled* never

He smiled too

Yoongi: And take care of her, I am giving you another chance...

Me: I promise I'll never loose it

Yoongi: you better not cause then the fight would be between you and me and you probably knows who will win!!

He declared as I nodded with smile

Me: Thanks for giving me another chance

We both smiled and looked at the sky. We both were silent for long as I remembered about that rooftop incident where we were almost gonna kiss, by remembering that I smiled and yoongi noticed it

Yoongi: What happened?

Me: Nothing....

I wanted to make mood lighter so I said

Me: It's so unlike you

Yoongi: What do you mean?

Me: Haha sleepyhead is awake in the middle of the night. It's rare sight

I laughed as he rolled his eyes and said

Yoongi: Whatever

Me: Did y/n contacted you?

Yoongi: No why?

Me: We can't reach her

As I said that he looked at me in shock

Yoongi: Really?

Me: Yes and we tried everything....but no use

I said sadly as he also looked down

Yoongi: Should we try again?

As he said that I looked up and excitedly said

Me: Sure!!!

He got his phone and tried calling her but still same....

Me: I am worried. What should we do?

Yoongi: Should we go to her house?

Me: Ya let's go!!!

Yoongi: *sigh* not now it's late let's go at 10 in morning

I agreed and we were going to go but I remembered something


Yoongi: Yeah!?

Me: Are you ok?

He smiled and it seems genuine

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