#7. Regret

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Today is the day of our presentation and my mind was roaming around that night

Flashback 2 days before presentation day and 2 days after lily came~

Me: Hahahahaha is that trueee

I said while laughing

Lily: Yes taehyung was that much obsessed with that tata doll

Me: So that's why you always call him tata, it's nice name tho

Lily: I know right it's so cute, it really suits him cause he is cute, but I have to say he is changed a lot he is more like handsome and.... Hot guy now hahahha

Me: yess right, I have heard that you rejected him, poor him

Lily: It was actually.......

Me: what?

Lily: I actually REGRET IT!!

Me: *y/n.exe has stoped working*

Lily: Hey y/n?!?!

Me: ya what ?

Lily: umm....I actually trust you, tho it's just been two days but you are someone who is first time this close to me

Me: were you not close with tae?

Lily: I was, I am talking about close like a best friend..

Me: Then what about tae?

Lily: I never considered tae as my friend, he was....he was always the one and only guy for me whom I loved and still love...

Me: Then why did you rejected him are you using him?

Lily: No!!never!!! actually that day when tae came to me I also had a news to tell him it was that I was transferred to America cause of my father's business, But he instead confessed and my mom and dad was forcing me to go there, I just met tae to tell that but he confessed
I always wanted tae to not to cry when I go and now he got feelings so I thought that if I reject him maybe he will not cry and not miss me that much

Me: That's really sad....

Lily: I always loved him, I regret it cause I always... like everyday I scold myself for hurting him, I love him and I always hope that if I haven't listened to my mom dad then I can be with him but I was so small I can't even go somewhere.... I didn't even made any friends in America as my punishment for rejecting him and now as I am back I will fight, I will fight to win him back it's probably late but I can try right? Since he don't have girlfriend that means he is not moved on too right?

Me: ......

Lily: y/n???

Me: umm....i am sorry i just remembered something i have to go I'll text you sorry bye

Lily: oh no it's ok byee

End of flashback~
It's probably right he didn't even made any girlfriend since then he is probably in love with her deep inside right, I was thinking that then suddenly I felt a tear leaving my eyes, aiissshhhhh not aggggaaaaiiinnn!!!

I entered classroom and the first thing I saw was y/n, oh I guess my day will be better, but wait......is she crying????? WHATTT? WHY? HOW? I swear whoever made her cry is dead meat, I ran to her

Me: y/n?? Y/n??

Y/n: uh... O-oh y-yoongii

She said while stuttering I can't anymore everyone will come and I can't let them see this, I grabbed her wrist and took her away at the school rooftop, we reached there and that's when I stopped and look at her

Y/n: yoongi, w-why a-are you dr-dragging me here, we have c-class

Me: Stop acting like you are ok, say what happened, who made you cry like this?

Y/n: t-taehyung...

Me: I swear he is dead

I said angrily while making a fist but

Y/n: No it's not his fault yoongi

She said and finally burst into tears, I can't see her like this, I have to make her feel better

Me: y/n...look at me

She looked at me with her glossy teary eyes that broke me

Me: What happened? Tell me

Y/n: yoongi, i....i *sobs* i...love...

No, No please No

Y/n: I love taehyung

She cried more harder after saying that, so I was right.... Why y/n-ie why did you told me that, before I can think or do something she hugged me and cries hard I patted her no matter how much I hate this feeling but still I love her too and I guess I can understand her, unconsciously a tear left my eyes too I can't take it

Y/n: actually lily told me that she will again start approaching him, and she is tae's first love so he will accept her right?

Me: Are you serious right now? If she is gonna approach him than are you gonna sit like this you can try too right, like her you also don't give up, this is not y/n I know, I know the y/n who fights back to win what she wants so do that

She chuckled listening to my speech

Y/n: wow do you know me that much it's just been 5 months of our friendship ( Yes, almost half year was over when she developed feeling for tae)

Me: yess you are like a book, you'll try right?

Yoongi what's wrong with you why are you encouraging her to be with tae, But she will be happy with him right? If she is happy then I guess i will be too anyways I can never get her..... taehyung you are getting a chance to have y/n if you loose it I will make sure you will regret it

I hugged yoongi as he was right I can't give up, I'll also try to have him, but not with force and fight but with love

Yes I will continue my friendship with lily cause no one is wrong here she also has feelings like I do so I was not angry at her she can try and I can try then whoever tae chooses we have to be happy with that and move on I guess, yess I will try until our graduation then the decision is his.
Thank you for reading till now🙏 💜
Stay tuned for next part 💜💜💜💜 BORAHAE 💜💜💜💜💜

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